System for installing ceramic tiles over existing flooring and installing a soundproofing layer directly under the floor
Old Building
Internal flooring
Soundproofing; Installation of ceramic tiles
Application steps
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Existing tiles
The old tiles must be clean and well bonded to the base layer. Clean the surface of the existing floor with UltraCare HD Cleaner diluted 1:5 or 1:10 with water according to the amount of dirt on the floor.
Apply the adhesive tape along the perimeter walls, pillars and along any other element passing through the floor. Apply the soundproofing membrane by butting the sheets against one another.
Apply the adhesive with a notched trowel suitable for the type and format of the tiles to ensure the back of the tiles is sufficiently wetted. Use the double-buttering method where specified by UNI 11493-1. While installing the tiles use levelling systems from the MapeLevel line to maintain the correct width for the grouts and to reduce lippage between adjacent tiles.
Once the adhesive has set, carefully fill the grouts to their full depth using a rubber trowel without leaving gaps or steps. After filling the grouts with epoxy mortar clean the surface while the mortar is still wet fresh with a cellulose sponge dipped in water and a Scotch-Brite® pad where required. Carry out any final cleaning required using UltraCare Kerapoxy Cleaner.
Seal the perimeter and expansion joints after inserting Mapefoam to set the correct depth and then finish off the surface of the sealant with UltraCare Smooth Silicone.
Technical pack
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