High performance hydraulic oil for TBM Where to use Mapeoil HFR 46 is suitable for all types of hydraulic equipment for industrial applications, such as machines for mechanized tunnelling (TBM).…
High performance hydraulic oil for TBM Where to use Mapeoil HFR 46 is suitable…
Tail sealant for mechanized tunnelling with hard-rock TBMs Product sold only by MAPEI Construction Products India Pvt. Ltd For any further information, please contact Subodh Nene, Regional Product…
Tail sealant for mechanized tunnelling with hard-rock TBMs Product sold only by…
High performance liquid foaming agent, based on biodegradable anionic surfactants, in combination with a natural lubricating polymer, for ground conditioning in mechanized tunnelling
High performance liquid foaming agent, based on biodegradable anionic…
Anti-abrasive agent for mechanized tunnelling Where to use Mapedrill F.R.A. 01 is used specifically in tunnels and excavations through rock where highly abrasive rock will rapidly wear down drilling…
Anti-abrasive agent for mechanized tunnelling Where to use Mapedrill F.R.A. 01…
Pre-packed one-component cementitious mortar with accelerated setting for dry mix shotcrete Where to use Repairing of deteriorated concrete, stone and masonry structures with dry mix shotcrete.…
Pre-packed one-component cementitious mortar with accelerated setting for dry…
Synthetic polymer in liquid form for water based fluids to be employedin mechanized tunnelling and drilling Where to use Mapedrill F1 has a stabilizing effect on mixed round and/or very altered…
Synthetic polymer in liquid form for water based fluids to be employedin…
High-elasticity multi-layered system made from two-component polyurethane resin in combination with granular rubber matting for indoor playing surfaces
High-elasticity multi-layered system made from two-component polyurethane resin…