Viscosity modifying admixture for self compacting concrete Where to use Viscofluid SCC/10 is especially formulated for producing Self Compacting Concrete with very high stability and absence of…
Viscosity modifying admixture for self compacting concrete Where to use…
Plasticizing admixture for concrete with low slump loss Where to use Its principal uses are for: • ready-mix concrete (especially in hot weather); • pumped concrete; • mass concrete. Consumption…
Plasticizing admixture for concrete with low slump loss Where to use Its…
Fine aggregate supplementing superplasticizer, hardening accelerating admixture for precast concrete Where to use Concrete with Dynamon NRG 1014 has a high level of workability (consistency class S4…
Fine aggregate supplementing superplasticizer, hardening accelerating admixture…
Superplasticizer, hardening accelerating admixture for quick stripping precast concrete Where to use Concrete with Dynamon NRG 1010 has a high level of workability (consistency class S4 or S5,…
Superplasticizer, hardening accelerating admixture for quick stripping precast…
Superplasticizer admixture with mild retarding action Where to use Mapefluid N100 is especially suitable for all applications which require a retarded rate of cement hydration at early ages. Its…
Superplasticizer admixture with mild retarding action Where to use Mapefluid…
Modified acrylic-based super-plasticizer for ready-mixed concrete Where to use Dynamon Easy 11 is particularly suitable for use in ready-mix concrete sector and whenever the amount of water needs to…
Modified acrylic-based super-plasticizer for ready-mixed concrete Where to use…