Environmentally friendly foaming agent, based on surfactants in combination with a natural lubricating polymer, for soil conditioning in mechanized tunnelling
Environmentally friendly foaming agent, based on surfactants in combination…
High filling and coverage quartz acrylic paint, mould and algae resistant, for interior and exterior use. Available in GF - Fine Grain and GG - Coarse Grain.
High filling and coverage quartz acrylic paint, mould and algae resistant, for…
High filling and coverage quartz acrylic paint, mould and algae resistant, for interior and exterior use. Available in GF - Fine Grain and GG - Coarse Grain.
High filling and coverage quartz acrylic paint, mould and algae resistant, for…
PLANITEX S is an anhydrite-based self-levelling compound for internal use, ideal for creating isolating screeds or smoothing over existing bonded cementitious, anhydrite and concrete screeds. Its…
PLANITEX S is an anhydrite-based self-levelling compound for internal use,…
PLANITEX L is an anhydrite-based self-levelling compound for internal use, ideal for creating isolating screeds . Its high thermal conductivity makes it particularly recommended for embedding…
PLANITEX L is an anhydrite-based self-levelling compound for internal use,…
MAPE-ANTIQUE NHL ECO INTONACO is a breathable , cement-free base render made from pure natural hydraulic lime and recycled material , for application on existing masonry work, including those of…
MAPE-ANTIQUE NHL ECO INTONACO is a breathable , cement-free base render made…
MAPEWALL RENDER & STRENGTHEN 10 is a high-performance , M10 class fibre-reinforced, natural hydraulic lime-based rendering and building mortar with very low emission of VOC for making structural…
MAPEWALL RENDER & STRENGTHEN 10 is a high-performance , M10 class…
MAPESTONE DRAIN is a ready-to-use dry mortar based on cement, selected mineral binders, specific admixtures and aggregates in a predefined grain size curve. It is used as a pervious mortar for…
MAPESTONE DRAIN is a ready-to-use dry mortar based on cement, selected mineral…
MAPE-ANTIQUE NHL ECO STRUTTURALE 10 is a high-performance M10 class mortar for breathable render and masonry work , based on pure natural hydraulic lime and recycled material , particularly suitable…
MAPE-ANTIQUE NHL ECO STRUTTURALE 10 is a high-performance M10 class mortar for…
MAPESHIELD I are multilayer pure zinc anodes coupled with a special conductive paste for galvanic cathodic protection of reinforcement rods against corrosion in new structures or structures…
MAPESHIELD I are multilayer pure zinc anodes coupled with a special conductive…
ULTRACOAT TOP DECK OIL PLUS is an impregnating oil with natural effect or with a slight coloring, suitable for the treatment of wooden floors located outdoors , in pool edges, terraces. ULTRACOAT TOP…
ULTRACOAT TOP DECK OIL PLUS is an impregnating oil with natural effect or with…