High-strength, quick-setting pozzolan mortar with very low water absorption for grouting paved floors with joints from 5 to 30 mm wide subject to heavy loads and intense traffic. In compliance with…
High-strength, quick-setting pozzolan mortar with very low water absorption for…
MAPESTONE DRAIN is a ready-to-use dry mortar based on cement, selected mineral binders, specific admixtures and aggregates in a predefined grain size curve. It is used as a pervious mortar for…
MAPESTONE DRAIN is a ready-to-use dry mortar based on cement, selected mineral…
MAPESTONE GR-ECO is a pre-blended grout from the Mapestone line containing natural fibres (apple fibres) of vegetable origin and selected mineral aggregates for filling grout lines in architectural…
MAPESTONE GR-ECO is a pre-blended grout from the Mapestone line containing…
MAPESTONE GR-ECO FILL is a premixed mortar, ready to use for grouting stone pavings not subject to heavy traffic. It is suitable for creating filtering architectural stone pavings and pedestrian or…
MAPESTONE GR-ECO FILL is a premixed mortar, ready to use for grouting stone…
MAPESTONE GR7 is a pre-blended grouting mortar made from vegetable natural fibres , special mineral aggregates , and inorganic materials with a pozzolanic reaction , ready for use for grouting…
MAPESTONE GR7 is a pre-blended grouting mortar made from vegetable natural…
MAPESTONE JOINT is the one-component polyurethane binder ideal for sealing grout lines in decorative paving that needs to be vibro-compacted . It is used to install cobblestones, cubes and porphyry…
MAPESTONE JOINT is the one-component polyurethane binder ideal for sealing…
MAPESTONE JOINT GHOST is an ecological , isocyanate-free , fast-drying and hardening binder based on silane-terminated polymers and not sensitive to moisture . Single-component, solvent-free ,…
MAPESTONE JOINT GHOST is an ecological , isocyanate-free , fast-drying and…
MAPESTONE JOINT GHOST PLUS is an eco-friendly , solvent-free , one-component , rapid-curing , and drying binder , based on silane-terminated polymers and not sensitive to moisture. It allows grouting…
MAPESTONE JOINT GHOST PLUS is an eco-friendly , solvent-free , one-component ,…
Ready-mixed mortar with excellent mechanical resistance, resistant to de-icing salts, freeze-thaw cycles and seawater, for grouting architectural stone pavings in exposure class XF4 and XS3.…
Ready-mixed mortar with excellent mechanical resistance, resistant to de-icing…