Mapei takes part in the Assimpredil Ance workshop dedicated to the tale of the art sites

A meeting in Milan to present the most significant structural strengthening works on architectural heritage

July 8, 2024
"Examples of structural strengthening for architectural restoration" is the title of the workshop, scheduled for Wednesday 10 July 2024, organised by Assimpredil Ance - Association of building construction companies of Milan, Lodi, Monza and Brianza - at its headquarters in Milan, dedicated to the tale of the art sites. A meeting between professionals and companies to present the most significant interventions on historical assets of great architectural value: bell towers, theatres, walls and towers secured and restored to their original splendour.

One of the case studies analysed is the Giorgio Gaber Opera House in Milan, reopened after 22 years following a major restoration and renovation of its interior and exterior spaces, in which Mapei has been involved since 2015, the year the project began, alongside the Works Management and designers of the Municipality of Milan, the restoration companies involved and the Superintendency. During the workshop, Mapei will illustrate its contribution to this important example of structural strengthening on a historical asset in the city of Milan.

The company took part by providing continuous technical assistance on site, analytical support and diagnostic investigations on many samples of mortars and finishes, as well as products and technologies. The largest part of the renovation work involved structural strengthening work on various portions of the building, the removal of asbestos from the vault and seismic, plant and acoustic upgrading in compliance with current regulations.

Mapei has always supported culture and places of art by taking part in the most important restoration and conservation architectural works both in Italy and around the world.

The event, in collaboration with the Order of Architects PPC of the Province of Milan, allows the recognition of 3 CFP to Architects.

Participation is free of charge, subject to mandatory registration, which can be done by clicking here.

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