Mapei technologies for the renovation of the Enzo Sacchi Velodrome in Florence

The track at the Tuscan facility modernised using Mapecoat TNS products.
June 27, 2024
Mapei, leader in chemical products for the building industry, took part in the renovation works of the Enzo Sacchi Velodrome, located in the Parco delle Cascine in Florence. The cycling track was significantly renovated, in order to meet the sporting requirements for homologation by the Italian Cycling Federation.. For this intervention, Mapei technologies from the Mapecoat TNS range were used, innovative acrylic and polyurethane resin solutions perfect for sports flooring.

The Enzo Sacchi Velodrome, inaugurated in 1893, is a symbol of Florentine sports history. Originally made of beaten earth, it was later converted to  cement and has seen numerous renovations over the years. The recent renovation, made possible thanks to the use of products from Mapei's Mapecoat TNS range, which have  allowed the creation of a suitable surface, balancing the aspects of smoothness and grip, represents a further step forward in the conservation and enhancement of this sports heritage.

As the first test after the works, the velodrome hosted the Italian Junior Track Cycling Championships on 17 and 18 June, an event that saw the participation of young talents from all over Italy. This event marked the official inauguration of the restored track, highlighting the importance of cycling in the Florentine sports tradition. But Florence is preparing to host another major event: the start of the 111th edition of the Tour de France scheduled for Saturday 29 June. 
The restoration of the Enzo Sacchi Velodrome with Mapei products and the great international event offer a unique opportunity to celebrate the sport and cycling culture of the Tuscan city and to underline Mapei's ongoing commitment to promoting cycling. 

For over thirty years, in fact, the  Milanese company has supported cycling sport, first as a sponsor of a first division team and then as Main Partner of the UCI Road World Championships since 2008. Mapei's support confirms the Italian company's closeness to the world of sport, which has always been an integral part of its history and values.

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