Mapei at MyPlant&Garden with its innovative solutions for more durable and more sustainable urban landscaping

Architect Andreas Kipar is the special guest at the landscaping convention organised by Mapei on Friday 25th in the Landscape Area and Green Sport space

February 17, 2022

Innovation, sustainability, aesthetics and lots of colour; these are the elements that characterise the dedicated solutions aimed at Landscaping, urban décor and sports facilities Mapei is bringing to MyPlant&Garden, the most important trade fair for professionals from the Italian horticulture, botany, gardening and landscaping sectors, to be held at the Milano Rho Exhibition Centre from 23rd to 25th February.

With its first ever appearance at the event, Mapei is present on innumerable sites: from piazzas, ancient town centres, areas dedicated to sports and parks all around Italy, to the Trieste Promenade in Lignano Sabbiadoro, the War Memorial in Redipuglia, the multi-coloured basketball court in Scalo San Lorenzo in Rome and the Macrolotto Zero area in Prato. Open spaces to be lived and shared, durable spaces requiring very little maintenance thanks to innovative solutions that meet the most diverse design requirements, with an extra special focus on sustainability and aesthetics.

Going into detail, the Mapei stand (Pavilion 20 – stand A09 B10) will be featuring products and solutions from the specialised line for creating decorative paving and from the line dedicated to sports surfaces, ranging from the installation of synthetic turf to systems for playgrounds and recreation areas.

What’s new from Mapei

Mapei will be showcasing two featured products at MyPlant&Garden, the result of incessant work in its Research & Development Laboratories, for years committed to promoting an increasingly sustainable building industry:

  • MAPESTONE GR-ECO – Created specifically for landscape designers, Mapestone Gr-Eco is a pre-blended mortar with natural fibres of vegetable origin and mineral aggregates which, thanks to its special formulation containing zero cement or other binders of a chemical nature, produces 95% lower CO2 emissions than normal cementitious grout. Used for filling grouts in architectural stone paving with filtering properties, Mapestone Gr-Eco is a unique and sustainable product: easy to apply and perfect for creating architectural paving for pedestrians and light vehicle use.

  • MAPECOAT TNS EXTREME – The revolutionary feature of this two-component epoxy finish in water dispersion is its versatility: ideal for coating surfaces, including those open to vehicles, it may be used as a coloured coating, liberating your artistry and imagination to help create genuine works of urban art. Thanks to its special formulation, Mapecoat TNS Extreme may be applied on both cementitious and bituminous conglomerate substrates, including applications using the imprinted asphalt technique: this is a particularly durable product with the ability to reduce the time required for maintenance operations, helping residents quickly get back to enjoying urban spaces after very short down times.


As part of the MyPlant&Garden Expo, Mapei wishes to share its technical experience and expert personnel with professionals from the sector, with two appointments organised in the Landscape Area and Green Sport space in Pavilion 20 B45:

  • Thursday 24th February, 15:30-17:30, Hall 1: Grazia Signori, geologist and expert of the Mapei Architectural Paving Line, will be participating in the convention “Culture for nature” with a presentation entitled: “Key word: research. From nature for nature”, discussing the guiding values and processes behind the creation and development of MAPEI technologies aimed at the Landscaping sector.
  • Friday 25th February, 11:30-13:00, Hall 2: landscape architect Andreas Kipar, from the LAND landscape consultancy firm, will open the convention organised by Mapei: “Mapei paving partner: landscaping is everything, because everything is part of the landscape!” The participants will be: Elisa Portigliatti, Head of the Mapei Sports Flooring Line, and Grazia Signori and Giuseppe David, experts of the Mapei Architectural Paving Line. Moderator for the meeting: Marcello Deganutti, Head of Mapei Architectural Paving Line.
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MAPESTONE GR-ECO is a pre-blended grout from the Mapestone line containing natural fibres (apple fibres) of vegetable origin and selected…
MAPECOAT TNS EXTREME is a two-component , rapid-drying epoxy-acrylic resin in water dispersion with selected fillers specifically…

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