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Aquaflex S 1K
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Ultracare Rain Protector
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Ultracolor Plus
Ultracolor Plus
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Mapei and Panariagroup: building responsibly together

These two sector-leading companies are at CERSAIE to present the first carbon-neutral ceramic flooring system

September 27, 2022

Mapei and Panariagroup, leading companies on the international market in their respective sectors, have united their forces to provide a concrete contribution to the health of the planet by proposing the first 100% carbon-neutral flooring system, from installation materials to tiles.

This union is the result of their awareness that, at a global level, buildings, homes and the building sector in general are now responsible for:

  • 36% of global energy consumption
  • 37% of all CO2 emissions from energy production

Choosing an installation system consisting of ultra-thin Panariagroup ceramic tiles and iconic Mapei solutions - Keraflex Maxi S1 zerø adhesive and Ultracolor Plus grouts – enables innovative, carbon-neutral flooring to be created. All CO2 emissions produced throughout the life cycle of these products are 100% offset through the acquisition of certified environmental credits towards the completion of renewable energy projects.

100 m2 of flooring created using this system corresponds to the absorption of 20 trees.

This union of intent between the two sector leaders is not a commercial agreement; it is rather an invitation to the entire chain to take an active role, each one according to their particular area of business, in the ecological transition to construct together more responsibly, raising awareness in the various reference stakeholders towards more ethical and conscious choices.

The decision to present this agreement at CERSAIE, the most important international event for those involved in the design of surfaces, is significant: by uniting forces, technologies and innovations it is possible to make a difference.

Thanks to this partnership, a highly innovative system is being proposed to the market that paves the way for an increasingly sustainable building sector and, as a result, new prospects for the Real Estate sector.

And with this in mind, to mark the occasion of CERSAIE, the most important international event for all those involved in the design of surfaces, Emilio Mussini, Chairman of Panariagroup, and Marco Squinzi, Mapei’s CEO, have announced the commitment to unite the efforts of both companies in a partnership to propose a joint training programme at the Mapei Academy starting in 2023, which will include specific workshops focusing on sustainable building systems.

Operating in the field of constructions and surfaces for the residential and commercial architecture sectors, Panariagroup and Mapei are targeting a host of stakeholders from the construction and Real Estate sectors and their respective roles have a significant impact on the entire system.

In fact, choosing which materials to use for living, professional and public spaces has now become increasingly important for the construction of sustainable buildings: apart from reducing their impact on the environment, sustainable buildings also bring economic advantages. Firstly, ‘green’ buildings generally have a higher market value. Also, thanks to the most recent developments in construction technology, it is now possible to create buildings with considerably lower running costs, a particularly attractive element for those investing in large-scale infrastructure and public works projects destined to remain in service on a long-term basis.

“With Mapei and Panariagroup this union generates sustainability”, declared Marco Squinzi, Mapei’s CEO. “Using our ability to innovate as a contribution towards an increasingly sustainable building industry, for the benefit of people and the planet, is our daily commitment. The products chosen for the carbon-neutral flooring system we are presenting today along with Panariagroup are Keraflex Maxi S1 zerø adhesive, which this year is celebrating its 10th anniversary from when it was first offset, and Ultracolor Plus grouts. Two high-performance, durable and sustainable Mapei solutions whose CO2 emissions throughout their entire life cycle, measured using LCA methods and certified with their relative EPDs, are completely offset”.

This joint intent, uniting Panariagroup and Mapei”, stated Emilio Mussini, “Is borne out of the awareness of both Groups that, being a sector leader means, first and foremost, being the ones responsible for initiating change. Our shared commitment is to drive our respective ecosystems towards more innovative and sustainable business models: it is by pitting our joint forces into our respective reference sectors that we will be able to do great things, developing projects that have a large-scale impact on markets. This is why, since 2004, we have already invested in the development of large, ultra-thin tiles – a product inherently sustainable – and with which today, through the Think Zero project and 100% offsetting of greenhouse gases, we have created the most sustainable ceramic surface in the world. With this in mind, together with MAPEI, we are proposing the first and only carbon-neutral flooring, from installation materials to tiles, to construct the cities of the future in an increasingly sustainable way”.

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