Mapei is Main Sponsor of Italy’s 3rd National Seismic Risk Mitigation Day, an initiative promoted by the Inarcassa Foundation, the Italian Order of Engineers and the Italian Order of Urban Development Architects and Conservationists, with the scientific support of the Supreme Council of Public Works, the Civil Protection Department, the Conference of Italian University Rectors, the University Seismic Engineering Laboratories Network and ENEA, in collaboration with ANCE.
The aim of the event is to promote a culture of seismic risk mitigation and this year it will be held on Sunday 18th October with a series of webinars held by representatives of the various institutions with links from all around Italy.
Also, in all major Italian piazzas, local Professional Bodies will be promoting a communication drive to inform local citizens about the aims of National Seismic Risk Mitigation Day.
And lastly, starting from the day of the event, and then continuing throughout the whole of November, it will be possible to receive virtual information about the correct approach to seismic risk mitigation and the Super Sismabonus scheme, using a series of contact tools which will be made available on the dedicated Prevention Day Portal.
Thanks to Mapei’s extensive experience in the world of structural strengthening the Company has a wealth of knowledge of inestimable value about risk mitigation, upgrading and structural strengthening.
Throughout seismic risk mitigation month, Mapei engineers will be on hand with information about the products and systems available for the seismic upgrading of existing buildings and details about which Mapei solutions qualify for upgrading projects covered by the Super Sismabonus scheme.
Mapei will be promoting three types of solution in particular:
PLANITOP HPC line is made of HPFRCC (High Performance Fibre Reinforced Cement Composites) mortars and grouts with a cementitious matrix with particularly high mechanical properties (HPC), and steel structural fibres (FRC) that make these products so highly ductile and tough with a higher level of strength and resistance during the plastic (post-cracking) phase.
PLANITOP HPC solutions are recommended for repair and strengthening work on reinforced concrete structures such as beams, pillars and bearing points, to strengthen the extrados of floors, to repair floors and surfaces in industrial settings, roads and in airports and, lastly, to rebuild structural elements in various types of building.
The PLANITOP HPC range has been awarded a CVT (Technical Evaluation Certificate) from the Central Technical Service Department of the Supreme Council of Public Works, thereby qualifying Mapei as primary manufacturer of fibre-reinforced solutions for structural strengthening applications, and to receive a CVT as the only company with a complete range of FRC products certified for both restoring and repairing concrete and for structural applications.
For the structural strengthening of masonry Mapei is proposing PLANITOP INTONACO ARMATO, the only lime-based, fibre-reinforced mortar with zero cement content fully compatible with antique and existing masonry.
PLANITOP INTONACO ARMATO also contains at least 30% of recycled raw materials in compliance with the requirements of the Minimum Environmental Criteria (MEC) protocol for the building industry.
PLANITOP INTONACO ARMATO guarantees improved shear and tensile strength in elements and structures without the need for supplementary strengthening mesh, and provides the same performance properties as the more traditional reinforced masonry technique. Thanks to the use of this particular technology, there is no significant increase in stiffness or mass.
And lastly, Mapei is proposing one of its most innovative solutions, the MAPEWRAP EQ SYSTEM: a special “anti-seismic wallpaper” that helps distribute dynamic stresses more evenly, both internally and externally.
The system is made up of two products: MAPEWRAP EQ NET bi-directional, pre-primed glass fibre fabric and MAPEWRAP EQ ADHESIVE one-component polyurethane adhesive in water dispersion with very low emission of volatile organic compounds (VOC). The MAPEWRAP EQ SYSTEM has been tested and certified by the Department of Structural Engineering of the Federico II University of Naples as a means of preventing non-structural secondary elements in buildings from overturning and as an anti-collapse mechanism for brick/cement floors.