Mapei has always had a profound bond with culture and the arts and, also this year, is supporting the exhibition being held in the Musei San Domenico in Forlì on the theme, “OTTOCENTO. Art in Italy between Hayez and Segantini”. The proceeds from the exhibition will be used to finance projects chosen by the children’s charity “Fabbrica del Sorriso”.
This year Mapei will once again be alongside the Musei San Domenico in the role of Platinum Partner to support the exhibition “OTTOCENTO. Art in Italy between Hayez and Segantini”, organized by the Forlì Cassa dei Risparmi Foundation in collaboration with Forlì City Council.
Thanks to this initiative Mapei will strengthen its bond with the world of art and culture, a company belief that has its roots in the firm conviction of the company’s founder, Rodolfo Squinzi, that “work can never be separated from art and passion”.
The exhibition will be inaugurated on Friday, the 8th of February and then open to the general public from the 9th of February until the 16th of June, 2019.
The exhibition will feature a collection of paintings and sculptures that retrace the events that shaped Italian art in the nineteenth century, between the latter part of Romanticism and the age of experimental art at the beginning of the twentieth century, in the period between the Unification of Italy and the Great War.
Part of the proceeds from the exhibition will be donated to Mediafriends Onlus and used to help finance projects chosen by the Fabbrica del Sorriso, a charity dedicated to giving children in Italy and all around the world the chance to escape from poverty, distress and marginalisation.
Mapei is also a supporter and Gold Partner for the Sky Arte special dedicated to the exhibition which will be transmitted in prime-time in the first week of March, and then followed by twenty repeats.
And so, Mapei’s support for the Musei San Domenico in Forlì continues: in 2016 Mapei collaborated in the exhibition “Piero della Francesca. Investigation of a myth, in 2017 in “Art Déco. The golden years in Italy” and in 2018 in “The Eternal and Time between Michelangelo and Caravaggio”.
This partnership has consolidated Mapei’s commitment to initiatives that combine culture and solidarity.
For many years Mapei has also supported various charity music evenings to collect funds for scientific research, such as LILT, the Milan Committee of the Italian Red Cross and the Veronesi Foundation.
Other initiatives that receive the support of Mapei include Celebrity Fight Night Italia, promoted by Andrea Bocelli, to raise funds for projects organized by the Andrea Bocelli Foundation, and the Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center.
The company also supports cultural and social activities by supplying technology, materials and the company’s technical Services Department to help with restoration work, such as for the Internal Theatre at the Cesare Beccaria Young Offenders Centre in Milan.