Fibre-reinforced, compensated-shrinkage mortar for repairing concrete. TECHNICAL DATA: Maximum dimension of aggregate: 2.5 mm. Mixing ratio: 100 parts of MAPEGROUT TISSOTROPICO with 15.5-16.5 parts…
Fibre-reinforced, compensated-shrinkage mortar for repairing concrete.…
Pre-packed one-component cementitious mortar with accelerated setting for dry mix shotcrete Where to use Repairing of deteriorated concrete, stone and masonry structures with dry mix shotcrete.…
Pre-packed one-component cementitious mortar with accelerated setting for dry…
Quick-setting, controlled-shrinkage thixotropic mortar for repairing the surface of concrete, may be applied in various thicknesses from 1 to 40 mm in a single layer. TECHNICAL DATA: Maximum…
Quick-setting, controlled-shrinkage thixotropic mortar for repairing the…
Fine-grained thixotropic, fibre-reinforced, controlled-shrinkage, medium-strength (30 N/mm2) mortar for repairing concrete Where to use To repair the concrete cover on deteriorated concrete…
Quick-setting, fibre-reinforced, compensated-shrinkage, thixotropic cementitious mortar for repairing and smoothing concrete, applied in various thicknesses of from 3 to 40 mm in a single layer.…
Expansive, super-fluid cementitious binder for mixing injection slurry, mortar and concrete. TECHNICAL DATA: Mixing ratio: – injection slurry: 100 parts of STABILCEM with 32 parts of water; – mortar,…
Expansive, super-fluid cementitious binder for mixing injection slurry, mortar…
Speciale legante cementizio pronto all’uso da miscelare con acqua per ottenere boiacche superfluide per il consolidamento di pavimentazioni in conglomerato bituminoso tipo drenante Open Grade
Speciale legante cementizio pronto all’uso da miscelare con acqua per ottenere…
Cementitious binder for manufacturing dimensionally stable self-compacting concrete mixtures to repair concrete structures. Stabilcem SCC is used to manufacture concretes with different aggregate…
Cementitious binder for manufacturing dimensionally stable self-compacting…