Salt-resistant dehumidifying render for renovating masonry with rising damp. TECHNICAL DATA: Maximum size of aggregate: 2.5 mm. Mixing ratio: 100 parts of POROMAP DEUMIDIFICANTE with 22-24 parts of water (4.4-4.8 litres of water per 20 kg bag of product). Porosity of wet mortar:>20%. Water vapour permeability coefficient: <10 µ. Workability time of fresh mortar: approx. 60 minutes. Minimum applicable thickness: 20 mm. Maximum applicable thickness per layer: 30 mm. Classification: EN 998-1 - type R mortar, class CSII. EMICODE: EC1 Plus - very low emission. Storage: 12 months. Application: by trowel or with a continuous-feed rendering machine. Consumption: 11-12 kg/m² (per cm of thickness). Packaging: 20 kg bags.