TECHNICAL DATA FOR Keraquick S1 Zero + LATEX PLUS Pot life: 30 minutes. Open time: 10-15 minutes. Waiting time before grouting: 2-3 hours. Set to light foot traffic: approx. 2-3 hours. Ready for use:…
TECHNICAL DATA FOR Keraquick S1 Zero + LATEX PLUS Pot life: 30 minutes. Open…
TECHNICAL DATA: Where to use: on walls for ceramic and natural stone coatings. Workability time: 2-3 hours. Thickness applied: from 2 to 20 mm. Waiting time before laying ceramic and natural stone:…
TECHNICAL DATA: Where to use: on walls for ceramic and natural stone coatings.…
PLANITOP 210 ZERO is a natural fine finish skim coat for levelling and finishing masonry and concrete walls, cementitious and lime-cement render, old quartz paints, scratched plastic, inside and…
PLANITOP 210 ZERO is a natural fine finish skim coat for levelling and…
Quick-setting, fibre-reinforced cementitious levelling mortar for internal and external floors and walls, applied in layers from 3 to 30 mm to even out irregularities.
Quick-setting, fibre-reinforced cementitious levelling mortar for internal and…