Mapegrout Gunite was applied over Mapeshield I 10-10, a zinc anode that helps to protect the steel reinforcement, giving extra life to the structure. Mapeshield is attached to the reinforcing steel either by welding, tap screwing or fixing with tine wire. The size and profile of Mapeshield makes it easy to install.
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Mapeshield I 10-10 is a zinc anode that helps to protect the steel reinforcement, giving extra life to the structure. The Mapeshield is attached to the reinforcing steel either by welding, tap screwing or fixing with tine wire. The size and profile of the Mapeshield makes it easy to install.
Mapegrout Gunite FSD is a fast setting gunite repair concrete that has been applied over the Mapeshield anodes. The advantages of using this product in the environment shown is that Mapeshield Gunite FSD has a dust suppressant that keeps the working area cleaner and safer for the applicators The material for this project was over a water course with dust and wastage (rebound) kept to an absolute minimum. Application thickness can be applied up to 150mm.
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