CO2 offset products


Mapei promotes the total offsetting of residual CO2 emissions during the life cycle of products by acquiring certified environmental credits to support the implementation of renewable energy projects.

Since 2012 we have offset over 80,000 tonnes of CO2 associated with the Italian manufacturing of Keraflex Maxi S1 Zero by acquiring certified environmental credits: in 2023, a new line of fully offset CO2 emissions ceramic products is born.

CO2 emissions measured throughout the life cycle of products from the Zero line in 2024 using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology, verified and certified with EPDs, have been offset through the acquisition of certified carbon credits in support of forestry protection projects. A commitment to the planet, to people and to biodiversity.

A commitment to the planet, to people and to biodiversity. Choose sustainability for all your projects, with Mapei.



How do we measure CO2?

CO2 emissions from our products are expressed in kg CO2eq/kg of product and are calculated using standardised LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) methodology. The analysis of the life cycle of a product is an evaluation of the environmental impacts the product has throughout all the various phases of its life, from cradle to grave: from extraction of the raw materials that make up the formula to their transport to the production plant, the production cycle, product packaging, waste materials, transporting the finished product to the distributor and its final disposal.

An approach in which each life phase of a product is taken into consideration is called 'from cradle to grave'.

Environmental Impact Measured



Climate change 
GWPtotal - Global Warming Potential refers to the emission/presence of GHGs (greenhouse gases) in the atmosphere (mainly CO2, N2O, CH4) which contribute to the increase in the temperature of the planet.
GWP-total considers:
  • GWP-fossil
  • GWP-biogenic
  • GWP-LULUC (land use and land use change)



Ozone Depletion
Ozone Depletion Potential refers to the degradation of the stratospheric layer of the ozone involved in blocking the UV component of sunrays. Depletion is due to particularly reactive components that originate from chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) or chlorofluoromethane (CFM).



Photochemical ozone formation
The Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential is the ozone formation in low atmosphere. This is quite common in the cities where a great amount of pollutants (like VOC and NOx) are emitted every day (industrial emissions and vehicles). It is mainly diffused during the summertim



Eutrophication Potential refers to the nutrient enrichment, which determines unbalance in ecosystems and causes the death of the fauna and decreased biodiversity in flora.



Acidification Potential refers to the emission of specific acidifying substances (i.e. NOx, SOx) in the air. These substances decrease the pH of the rainfall with predictable damages to the ecosystem.



Depletion of abiotic resources – minerals and metals
Abiotic Depletion Potential elements refers to the depletion of the mineral resources.



Depletion of abiotic resources – fossil fuel
Abiotic Depletion Potential fossil fuel refers to the depletion of the fossil fuel resources.



Water use
It expresses the potential deprivation of water, that consists in not having the water needs satisfied.

How do we certify the values?

The results obtained through LCA are verified and certified by an external body with an EPD, or Environmental Product Declaration, published with The International EPD System.

An EPD, Environmental Product Declaration, is prepared according to international standards (ISO 14025 and EN 15804, etc...) and shows the environmental impact of a product during its life’s cycle, evaluated using LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) methodology.
All Mapei EPDs are also published on the programme operator’s website

How do we calculate the amount of CO2 to be offset?

Once the amount of CO2 has been calculated and expressed in kg CO2eq/kg of product, this figure is multiplied by the amount in tonnes of product sold.

How do we offset CO2?

Through the acquisition of certified carbon credits to support renewable energy and forestry protection projects. A commitment to the planet, to people and to biodiversity.

One credit corresponds to one tonne of CO2 offset.

The number of credits to be purchased is calculated multiplying the product tonnes sold per the amount of CO2 calculated using LCA methodology.

How do we choose projects?

The projects must have a significant and sustainable impact on development in emerging countries that goes far beyond the reduction of CO2 emissions: in fact, these impacts comply with many of the United Nation’s SDGs for sustainable development from a social, economic and environmental perspective.

Why the initiative can be relied on:

  • Because we calculate CO2 emissions using LCA methodology with results reported and registered on a verified and certified document (EPD –Environmental Product Declaration)
  • Because credits for offsetting are certified and projects are monitored by international bodies
  • Because our R&D laboratories are constantly developing high quality, durable products but which have less impact on the environment aimed, therefore, at reducing the amount of CO2 associated to the product itself throughout its life-cycle

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