Montreal Botanical Garden administration building

Location icon Canada
Ref #: 202405


Gård Structural reinforcement of foundations using cementitious grout and fiber-reinformed polymer (FRP) systems, concrete repair
Lokation Canada
Subkategori GARDENS
Bygget i 1936
Åbnet i 1936
Anvendelse When the foundations of the Montreal Botanical Garden’s vintage Art Deco building needed strengthening, engineers turned to MAPEI for its restoration know-how to maintain the heritage site.
Start- og afslutningsdato 2023/2024
Anvendelsestype Forankring, Betonrenovering, Strukturel armering
Indehaver City of Montreal
Entreprenørvirksomhed St-Denis Thompson
Projektleder Structural engineer: Yvonick Houde (HBGC Ingénieurs)
Points OBLK Production
MAPEI-koordinering Hamza Ouziame and Baltazar Basabe
Beskrivelse Architect: Réal Paul Architecte

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