Gård | walls and ceiling |
Lokation | Hockley, USA |
Subkategori | WINE CELLAR |
Bygget i | 1950 |
Anvendelse | supplying an admixture for the shotcrete that was applied onto the wine cellar’s walls and ceiling |
Start- og afslutningsdato | 2018 |
Anvendelsestype | Underjordiske konstruktioner |
Entreprenørvirksomhed | Byer Builders, Inc. |
Montørfirmaer | Applied Shotcrete, Dominic Petrella |
Projektleder | Oscar Orduno, Inc. |
MAPEI-distributør | Bill Allen, UTT, Mapei Corp. (USA) |
MAPEI-koordinering | Bill Allen, UTT, Mapei Corp. (USA) |
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