TransEd Valley Line LRT twin tunnel project – Edmonton, AB, Canada

Location icon 加拿大
编号#: 202953
类别: 交通工具


场地 When the Canadian city of Edmonton, Alberta, undertook its first foray into underground mass transit with a $1.8 billion project, it turned to MAPEI’s UTT team for waterproofing and concrete expertise.
位置 加拿大
子目录 隧道
建于 2017
打开 2020
施工 When the Canadian city of Edmonton, Alberta, undertook its first foray into underground mass transit with a $1.8 billion project, it turned to MAPEI’s UTT team for waterproofing and concrete expertise.
开始和结束日期 2018/2020
施工类型 地下建筑物



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