场地 | screed installation, leveling of surface, laying of porcelain tiles and filling of tile joints |
位置 | Minsk, 白俄罗斯 |
子目录 | 教堂 |
建于 | 2015 |
打开 | 2020 |
施工 | screed installation, leveling of surface, laying of porcelain tiles and filling of tile joints |
开始和结束日期 | 2019/2020 |
施工类型 | 地坪, 密封, 基面准备, 防水 |
承包商公司 | LLC "ArtStroyRestavratsiya" |
建筑师 | LLC "Architectural workshop "April" |
马贝经销商 | LLC "MAPAGRUPP" |