Yard | Serie A Stdium |
Location | Reggio Emilia, Italy |
Subcategory | STADIUM |
Built in | 1994 |
Opened in | 1995 |
Application | soccer pitch constuction and total requalification |
Start and finish date | 2013/2016 |
Application Type | Floor/wall covering, Solutions for sports flooring, Waterproofing |
Client | Mapei Stadium srl |
Installer companies | Scavi, fornitura e posa manto ibrido del campo per destinazione, posa impianto di riscaldamento: Mixto srl; Realizzazione sottofondo con MAPESOIL: Sama srl; Posa manto sintetico perimetrale: Limonta Sport spa |
Specialists involved | Beltrami Studio, Studio Tecnico Castelli sas |
Credits | Vignoli, Pedroni |
Project Manager | Beltrami Studio, Studio Tecnico Castelli sas |
Here you can download all documents related to this project
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Tel 020-83653489
Mapei Building Materials Technology (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd
No.1633, Shilin Road, Wuxing, Huzhou, Zhejiang, China
Tel: 0572-215 9888
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