Renovation Start-up Space Schlieren

Location icon Schlieren, Svizzera
Rif n°: 4614
Categoria: Infrastrutture


Cantiere The floor was coated with Ultratop Loft. Part of te the underground was newly built and part of it was reinforced with Ultraplan Maxi / Ultraplan Eco Xtra.
Località Schlieren, Svizzera
Sottocategoria UFFICI
Intervento An office building in Schlieren was completely renovated. The result is a modern facility, which is used as a co-working space.
Inizio e fine dei lavori 2020/2021
Tipo di intervento Posa di pavimenti
Impresa appaltatrice Marcel Bernasconi AG, Rotkreuz
Imprese esecutrici Alfred Müller AG, Baar
Progettisti Alfred Müller AG, Baar
Specialisti coinvolti nei lavori Alfred Müller AG, Baar
Coordinatore MAPEI Stephan Moosmann
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