Renovation Start-up Space Schlieren
Schlieren, Svizzera
Rif n°: 4614
Categoria: Infrastrutture
Cantiere |
The floor was coated with Ultratop Loft. Part of te the underground was newly built and part of it was reinforced with Ultraplan Maxi / Ultraplan Eco Xtra.
Località |
Schlieren, Svizzera
Sottocategoria |
Intervento |
An office building in Schlieren was completely renovated. The result is a modern facility, which is used as a co-working space.
Inizio e fine dei lavori |
Tipo di intervento |
Posa di pavimenti
Impresa appaltatrice |
Marcel Bernasconi AG, Rotkreuz
Imprese esecutrici |
Alfred Müller AG, Baar
Progettisti |
Alfred Müller AG, Baar
Specialisti coinvolti nei lavori |
Alfred Müller AG, Baar
Coordinatore MAPEI |
Stephan Moosmann
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