
Location icon Manchester, Regno Unito
Rif n°: 18042023
Categoria: Edifici e luoghi pubblici


Cantiere Using Mapei Purtop Easy waterproofing membrane system, the application was completed within just three days
Località Manchester, Regno Unito
Sottocategoria BAR, RISTORANTE
Intervento Construction chemical and building product specialist, Resapol, recently supplied products for an extensive roof renovation in Leigh, Greater Manchester, at a site currently being renovated into a new bar and restaurant.
Using Mapei Purtop Easy waterproofing membrane system, the application was completed within just three days by contractor, Elite Construction & Property Services Group
Tipo di intervento Impermeabilizzazione
Impresa appaltatrice Resapol
Imprese esecutrici Elite Construction & Property Services Group
Specialisti coinvolti nei lavori Steve Harrison
Coordinatore MAPEI Phil Graham

Prodotti utilizzati per il progetto

Resina impermeabile poliuretanica colorate per balconi, terrazzi e coperture.…

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