Hotel Majestic Elegance Costa Mujeres

Location icon Costa mujeres, Messico
Rif n°: 0
Categoria: Turismo e benessere


Cantiere Albercas y sistema impermeable
Località Costa mujeres, Messico
Sottocategoria HOTEL, RESORT
Costruito nel 2019
Intervento The most important challenge in a pool is the waterproofing system, in addition, we face the aggressive environment in the pool; structure in permanent immersion and water treatment with chlorine.
The challenge of this project is the construction of new swimming pools in a hotel, taking care of the good quality of the materials and the installation. Most of the time, new pools have problems related to filtration and this is the problem that we must solve mainly. The most important challenge in a pool is the waterproofing system, in addition, we face the aggressive environment in the pool; structure in permanent immersion and water treatment with chlorine. With Mapei products we found a combination that exceeded expectations: For the waterproofing problem, Mapei proposed Mapelastic Smart. A product that guarantees waterproofing in most concrete structures. On the other hand, Mapei has two excellent products for high chlorine underwater environments. Ultraflex LFT was used to bond ceramic floors. The second product was Keracolor FF for the joints treatment. Both products have performed as expected in harsh environments.
Inizio e fine dei lavori 2019
Tipo di intervento Pavimenti, Posa di rivestimento a parete, Impermeabilizzazione
Impresa appaltatrice Benko del Caribe
Imprese esecutrici Pools C&W
Distributore MAPEI Benko del Caribe

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Prodotti utilizzati per il progetto

Malta cementizia ad alte prestazioni, modificata con polimero, idrorepellente…
Malta cementizia bicomponente ad elevata elasticità (con crack-bridging> 2…
Ultraflex LFT
Ultraflex LFT
Prodotto non disponibile per questo mercato,

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