Ermel-Vojnits mauzóleum

Location icon Bonyhád, Ungheria
Rif n°: 642023
Categoria: Arte / Storia


Cantiere cement-free wall drying plaster system
Località Bonyhád, Ungheria
Sottocategoria MONUMENTO
Intervento After knocking down the existing plaster and scraping out the joints, the specialists applied Mapei's cement-free wall drying and renovation plaster system with manual application on the surface under the first dividing ledge.
Inizio e fine dei lavori 2021/2022
Tipo di intervento Recupero murature
Impresa appaltatrice Bonycom Kft.
Imprese esecutrici Szászépterv Mérnökiroda Kft.
Distributore MAPEI Beatis 2002 Kft.
Coordinatore MAPEI Mándity Zoltán

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