Castel d'Orsino hotel

Location icon Calcatoggio, Francia
Rif n°: 6129
Categoria: Turismo e benessere


Cantiere overflow pools in a hotel in Corsica
Località Calcatoggio, Francia
Sottocategoria PISCINA
Intervento Waterproofing and bonding the stone sheet Flexi Pierre® in swimming pools in a hotel in Corsica
The new reinforced concrete pool was first waterproofed with MAPELASTIC, a two-component elastic mortar for protecting and waterproofing of concrete. Easy to apply, it forms a flexible, waterproof coating with excellent resistance to sulfates, chlorides and CO2. The coating was applied 3 weeks after the waterproofing layer had completely dried. Once the layout had been laser-drawn, the 122 x 61 cm stone sheets were glued edge-to-edge, one after the other, using KERAPOXY EASY DESIGN. This anti-acid, anti-mould epoxy mortar (BioBlock® technology) is quick and easy to apply and clean.
Inizio e fine dei lavori 2022
Tipo di intervento Impermeabilizzazione
Committente Hôtel Castel d’Orsino
Imprese esecutrici Sylvestre Foïs Carreleur
Credits Deco Pierre 81 - Les Ardoisiers - Flexi Pierre® - Hôtel Castel d'Orsino
Direttore lavori Deco Pierre 81 - Les Ardoisiers - Flexi Pierre®
Coordinatore MAPEI Laurent Reymond

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