Alfix 46 FIX/T/19 edging profile is part of the Alfix 46 range, the professional system designed by Profilpas for the laying of LVT (Luxury Vinyl Tile) floors of thicknesses from 4mm to 6mm. Like the…
Alfix 46 FIX/T/19 edging profile is part of the Alfix 46 range, the…
The Alfix 616 aluminium range also includes item FIX/J/44, the perfect profile for joints between wood and laminate floors at the same level. It is used with floating floors of thicknesses between 6…
The Alfix 616 aluminium range also includes item FIX/J/44, the perfect profile…
One of Profilpas’ products for floating wooden and laminate floors at different heights is the Alfix 616 FIX/L/55 system. This item creates an aluminium joint, ideal for floors widths of 6 to 16mm.…
One of Profilpas’ products for floating wooden and laminate floors at different…
The Alfix 616 range of professional aluminium systems for wood and laminate floors also includes the FIX/T/33 edge piece. This outside edge allows you to end the floor with a 90-degree angle. It was…
The Alfix 616 range of professional aluminium systems for wood and laminate…
Impregnante idrorepellente incolore a base di silani e silossani in emulsione acquosa. AntipluvioL W è una dispersione lattescente a base di silani e silossani in emulsione acquosa, caratterizzata da…
Impregnante idrorepellente incolore a base di silani e silossani in emulsione…
Membrane liquide imperméabilisante monocomposante sans solvant à base de polymère à terminaison silane DONNÉES TECHNIQUES Consistance: pâte Couleur: gris Température d'application: +5°C à +35°C…
Membrane liquide imperméabilisante monocomposante sans solvant à base de…
Adesivo epossi-poliuretanico a 2 componenti a monospalmatura per
l’incollaggio di pavimenti resilienti conduttivi su sottofondi
assorbenti e non assorbenti. DATI TECNICI: Consistenza: comp. A:…
Adesivo epossi-poliuretanico a 2 componenti a monospalmatura per…
Bandes pultrudées en fibres de carbone imprégnées de résine époxy DONNÉES TECHNIQUES Matrice: Résine époxy Couleur: noir Épaisseur: 1,2 ou 1,4 mm selon le type Largeur: 50, 60, 80, 90, 100, 120 mm…
Bandes pultrudées en fibres de carbone imprégnées de résine époxy DONNÉES…