Profiles in the Protop range are used to finish and protect external corners and edges in tiled kitchens and worktops. Made of anodised aluminium, they are also perfect for tiled platforms and steps.…
Profiles in the Protop range are used to finish and protect external corners…
Protrim is a profile designed to seal and protect the external corners and edges of tiled floors, steps and platforms, it is available in aluminium, stainless steel, brass and PVC. The characteristic…
Protrim is a profile designed to seal and protect the external corners and…
Protrim N is a range of stainless steel external corner profiles with a softly rounded shape. The special steel alloys used make Protrim N profiles perfect for use in a variety of settings: AISI 304…
Protrim N is a range of stainless steel external corner profiles with a softly…
Feuchttücher zur Reinigung von Händen TECHNISCHE DATEN Konsistenz: feuchtes Vliesgewebe Farbe: weiss Lagerung: 24 Monate ab Produktionsdatum im Originalgebinde trocken und bis max. +30°C lagerfähig…
Feuchttücher zur Reinigung von Händen TECHNISCHE DATEN Konsistenz: feuchtes…
Pulitore di parquet prefiniti. Campi di applicazione: Toglie i residui di colle poliuretaniche monocomponenti, epossidiche ed epossipoliuretaniche bicomponenti dai parquet prefiniti. Ottimo come…
Pulitore di parquet prefiniti. Campi di applicazione: Toglie i residui di colle…
Pittura semicoprente a base di resina acrilica pura in dispersione acquosa per la protezione di superfici in calcestruzzo, calcestruzzo armato o superfici cementizie in genere. Colorite Beton è una…
Pittura semicoprente a base di resina acrilica pura in dispersione acquosa per…
Pittura a base di resina acrilica pura in dispersione acquosa per la protezione e la decorazione di superfici esterne ed interne. Colorite Performance è una pittura murale per esterno ed interno…
Pittura a base di resina acrilica pura in dispersione acquosa per la protezione…
Lösemittelhaltiger Verdünner zur Entfernung von Verunreinigungen durch wässrige Dispersionen, Lösemittelkleber und Reaktionsharze von Werkzeug und Oberflächen TECHNISCHE DATEN Konsistenz:…
Lösemittelhaltiger Verdünner zur Entfernung von Verunreinigungen durch wässrige…
With its full range, Profilpas has provided an effective answer to the requirements of those needing to do home improvement work in domestic and industrial settings without the help of a…
With its full range, Profilpas has provided an effective answer to the…
Vertikaler und horizontaler Installationskit für Bodenentwässerung für Terrassen, Balkone, Badzimmer, Waschräume, etc. Umfang: Abflussrohr mit -manschette, Geruchshemmer, Spiralrohr, Abdeckung
Vertikaler und horizontaler Installationskit für Bodenentwässerung für…