Old Course Hotel

Location icon Scotland, Royaume-Uni
N° réf.: 28012025
Catégorie: Places/Immeubles publics


Chantier Mapei provides a polished finish at St Andrew’s historic Old Course Hotel
Localisation Scotland, Royaume-Uni
Type de projet HÔTEL/AUBERGE
Intervention The project, designed by Unwin Jones Partnership, involved the installation of ceramic tiles and mosaics and complementary Profilpas profiles throughout the spa.
During the installation, Mapei’s Keraquick quick-setting, deformable adhesive was used to install wall and floor tiles and mosaics. Surfaces were then grouted with Ultracolor Plus grout from the Zero Line, in Ancient White and Moon White shades for a cohesive finish. An anti-efflorescence, quick-setting and drying polymer-modified grout, Ultracolor Plus benefits from water-repellent DropEffect® and mould-resistant BioBlock® and has CO2 emissions entirely offset in the entire life cycle*. Both the adhesive and grout have very low VOC EMICODE: EC1 Plus-certificated formulations for a safe, sustainable installation. The installation was completed with Profilpas 10mm L shape Pro Angle Trim – an aluminium edging profile used to finish external corners and create a seamless finish.
Type d'intervention Tile & stone installation systems
Entreprise de construction/pose G & S Tiling for Caledonia Contracts
Architecte/planificateur Unwin Jones Partnership
Responsable de projet Collinson Ceramics & Domus

Produit utilisé pour le projet

Mortier de jointoiement à hautes performances, sans ciment Portland, modifié…
Ce produit n’est pas disponible sur le marché français,

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