Chantier | Historical water reservoirs |
Localisation | Brno, République Tchèque |
Type de projet | DIVERS |
Construit en | 1872 |
Intervention |
Reconstruction of 3 historic reservoirs,
Repair of the surface of the floors in the reservoirs. Chemical moisture protection in operating buildings, protection of above-ground objects against mold and algae, anti-graffiti coating |
Début et fin des travaux | 2023 |
Type d'intervention | Assainissement du béton, Imperméabilisation |
Entreprise de construction/pose | ARCHATT, s. r. o., a FIRESTA-Fišer, rekonstrukce, stavby, a. s. |
Photos | Breaking point |
Conseiller technique MAPEI | Ing. Tomáš Brožek, Ing. Michal Lukas |
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