Golden 1 Center, home of the Sacramento Kings

Location icon Sacramento, É.-U.
N° réf. : 200580


Chantier Golden 1 Center, home of the Sacramento Kings
Lieu Sacramento, É.-U.
Sous-catégorie Stade
Construit en 2014
Ouvert en 2016
Application Golden 1 Center, home of the Sacramento Kings
Date de début et de fin 2016
Type d’application Revêtements pour sols/murs
Propriétaire City of Sacramento and Sacramento Kings LP, LLC
Entrepreneur GC: Turner Construction Company; Surface-Prep Contractor: Fischer Tile & Marble, Inc.
Installateurs TSIS installer: Fischer Tile & Marble, Inc.; FCIS installer: Capital Commercial Flooring
Architectes AECOM
Photographe Fischer Tile & Marble, Inc.
Responsable de projet Jay Fischer – Fischer Tile & Marble, Inc.
Coordonnateur MAPEI John Benvenuti
Autre Surface preparation, waterproofing and tile/stone installations were carried out at the Golden 1 Center, which is home to the Sacramento Kings basketball team. MAPEI Ultralite ™ Mortar Pro and Ultracolor ® Plus grout were used for setting the tiles, while Ultraplan ® 1 Plus was used to level the playing court.

Produits utilisés pour le projet

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MAPEI Ultralite Mortar Pro
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Mapelastic WaterStop
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Planiprep SC
Planiprep SC
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Ultracolor Plus FA
Ultracolor Plus FA
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Ultraplan 1 Plus
Ultraplan 1 Plus
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