From Realtà Mapei n° 37 - 2023-11-16

High-Flying Coatings

MAPEI's Mapecoat Deck T protects a hotel-casino with a history worthy of Hollywood
Overview: When a popular eastern hotel and casino was looking a little time-worn, the owners turned to MAPEI and 176,000 sq. ft. (16 351 m2) worth of our concrete restoration products.

High Flying Coatings

Originally built in 1972 as a part of a “mixed use” development, this modernist tower now stands next to a casino, which is perhaps fitting given that its history was at times like that of a Hollywood script.

According to facts found online, developer J. Leon Altemose decided to build using non-union workers. This was a highly controversial move in a state where union loyalties ran deep. The unions protested. In fact, on the night of June 5, 1972, the construction site was fire-bombed. This “Goodfellas-esque” history is very ironic because, since 2012, the 15-storey octagonal tower has stood as part of a hotel-casino complex.

By 2021, however, the tower’s facade needed a refresh. Enter MAPEI and 176,000 sq. ft. (16 351 m2) of concrete restoration products including our latest, Mapecoat Deck T.

MAPEI on the job

In this case, networking and knowledge paid off. As explained by David Marofsky, MAPEI’s Concrete Restoration and Waterproofing Specialist who was involved with this project, “I met Tony Cicero, owner of Gibble Construction, the general contractor and installing contractor [for the Radisson project] at a waterproofing training that [MAPEI] completed with one of our distributors at our Swedesboro plant in the spring of 2019. He told me about this project. I went and looked at it with him and helped formulate a repair strategy and recommended products. A small amount of work was done that year, but then the world stopped for COVID in 2020, and the main project didn’t start until 2021.” And when the project finally started, it was with a “bang.”

Just because the explosions had long-ago been tamed, it didn’t mean that the excitement ended at this property. Staging this project was no exception – although the Hollywood stunts were now more of a “circus” variety. To perform the work, the Gibble crew had to access the balconies and facade from swing stages suspended from the roof of the building. Given the building’s height, scaffolding was out of the question. The hotel would remain open during the project, but “the world itself was essentially shut down because of COVID,” Marofsky said. “There were hardly any visitors. And any debris was caught by a lower roof that encircled the entire building.”

Staging from the roof, the Gibble crew had to rappel down the side of the building, working with power washers, chipping guns, and rollers from custom-built mobile stages. “The swing stage installation was complicated due to the shape of the building and the top protruding out over the main facade. Special accommodations had to be made and custom stages built,” Marofsky continued. Personal protective equipment (PPE) played an extensive part of this project, with crews wearing five-point safety harnesses.

And what work were they performing while harnessed up? First, all deteriorated concrete on balconies and on the facade was removed via chipping guns. The surface was then cleaned and repaired using MAPEI Concrete Restoration Systems (CRS) products – Mapefer 1K [NA], Planitop XS, Planitop X, Planitop 18 ES and Mapeflex EMC-1. When the repairs had been completed, the coatings were installed.

The facade and balconies were power washed. Then Mapecoat Deck T and Elastocolor Coat were applied according to Technical Data Sheet instructions. “Mapecoat Deck T was launched at World of Concrete 2021, and it was a perfect match for this project, which was originally slated for a urethane coating [Mapefloor],” Marofsky said.

Mapefloor is more suited for high-traffic areas, requires multiple coats and is a two-component product. Mapecoat Deck T is single-component – which was a huge consideration given the application parameters of this jobsite. Just like Elastocolor Coat (used for the facade), Mapecoat Deck T can be tinted any color and is perfect for light-traffic areas like balconies. These balconies do not even get used, as the doors are screwed shut.” This was a dramatic first major project for Mapecoat Deck T, as there were 240 balconies to be coated in high-flying fashion.

Marofsky estimated the final project totals as:

  • Stucco application: Approximately 40,000 sq. ft. (3 716 m2)
  • Brick coating: Approximately 100,000 sq. ft. (9 290 m2)
  • Balcony coatings: Roughly 18,000 sq. ft. (1 672 m2) for the tops, and 18,000 sq. ft. (1 672 m2) for the bottoms of 240 balconies

In addition, “70% of the 240 balconies needed some sort of repair prior to coating,” he explained.

By all accounts, the applications were a hit worthy of a Hollywood happy ending. The hotel owners are pleased with the results, and the high-flying crew has a unique success story to add to their repertoire.

Radisson Valley Forge  – King of Prussia, PA, USA
Project category: Tourism and Wellness
Year of construction: 2021
Year of MAPEI involvement: 2021
MAPEI coordinator: David Marofsky
Project owner: Boyd Gaming
General contractor: Gibble Construction
Installer contractor: Gibble Construction
Project manager: Nick Cicero
Foreman: Adam Gaston
Project size: Approx. 176,000 sq. ft. (16 351 m2)
Challenges: Crew members had to work in five-point safety harnesses while suspended in the air. The property was open during the project, although traffic was relatively light due to it being the height of the COVID pandemic.
MAPEI products: Elastocolor Coat, Mapecoat Deck T, Mapefer 1K [NA], Mapeflex EMC-1, Planitop 18 ES, Planitop X, Planitop XS

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