Westin Bear Mountain Resort and Spa

Location icon Victoria, Canada
Ref #: 233043


Yard Exterior entrance reconstruction, installation of crack-isolation membrane, large-format tile and custom carpet
Location Victoria, Canada
Subcategory Hotel/Inn
Built in 2005
Opened in 2006
Application New ownership of a luxurious resort hotel wanted to put their own mark on the finishings in their clubhouse lobby, expanded dining area and exteriors. MAPEI products helped fit the bill with style built to last.
Start and finish date 2021/2023
Application Type Concrete Restoration Systems, SURFACE PREPARATION, Tile & Stone Installation Systems
Client Raoul Malak
Contractor company Verity Construction
Installer companies Yvgeny Falco (Floors2Go)
MAPEI Distributor Prosol Inc.
Photographer Take Off Photography
Project Manager David Clarke
MAPEI Coordinator David E. Kelsberg
Other Architects: WA Architects

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Products used for the project

Kerabond/Keralastic System
Kerabond/Keralastic System
Kerabond/Keralastic System is a high-performance, two-part system: Keralastic ,…
Mapeguard UM
Mapeguard UM
Mapeguard UM is a premium-performance, lightweight, waterproofing and…
Mapesil T Plus
Mapesil T Plus
Mapesil T Plus is a professional-grade, 100%-silicone sealant with enhanced…
Novoplan 2 Plus
Novoplan 2 Plus
Novoplan 2 Plus is a high-strength, self-leveling, cement-based underlayment…
Planicrete AC
Planicrete AC
Planicrete AC is a one-component, concentrated, liquid latex admixture used to…
Planislope RS
Planislope RS
Planislope RS is a rapid-setting, pre-blended, cement-based, polymer-modified…
Planitop X
Planitop X
Planitop X is a one-component, fiber-reinforced, shrinkage-compensated,…
Primer L
Primer L
Primer L is a concentrated, solvent-free acrylic primer used before the…
Topcem Premix
Topcem Premix
Topcem Premix is an accelerated-cure screed mortar suitable for bonded as well…
Type 1
Type 1
Type 1 is a premium-grade, traditional, nonflammable, acrylic adhesive for…
Ultrabond ECO 185
Ultrabond ECO 185
Ultrabond ECO 185 is a latex-based adhesive that offers fast grab and quick leg…
Ultracolor Plus FA
Ultracolor Plus FA
Rapid-Setting, “All-in-One” Grout Replacement for Sanded and Unsanded Grouts …
Ultraflex LFT
Ultraflex LFT
Premium, Large-and-Heavy-Tile Mortar with Polymer Ultraflex LFT is a premium,…

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