University of Utah

Location icon Salt Lake City, USA
Ref #: 200578


Yard Hospital Helipad
Location Salt Lake City, USA
Subcategory Hospital
Application supply of products for resin floor application on concrete screed
Start and finish date 2007
Application Type Cementitious & Resin Flooring Systems
Client University of Utah

Products used for the project

Mapefloor Finish 450
Mapefloor Finish 450
Two-Component, Aliphatic Polyurethane Topcoat Mapefloor Finish 450 is a…
Planiseal Traffic Coat
Planiseal Traffic Coat
Epoxy Overlay for Vehicular and Pedestrian Traffic Planiseal Traffic Coat is a…
Primer SN [NA]
Primer SN [NA]
Primer SN [NA] is a two-component, filled, epoxy primer specifically designed…
3000164 - Planiseal HG
Planiseal HG
Product not available for this market,
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