Town and Country Mall

Location icon Miami, USA
Ref #: 200415


Yard Town and Country Mall
Location Miami, USA
Subcategory Mall
Built in 2007
Opened in 2009
Application Town and Country Mall - Town and Country Mall
Application Type Installation of floors
Client Town & Country Mall
Contractor company Brassfield & Gorrie, LLC
Installer companies Professional Surface Installations (PSI)
Architects Robin Bosco & Associates
MAPEI Distributor White Cap Construction Supply
Project Manager Brassfield & Gorrie, LLC

Products used for the project

Novoplan 2 Plus
Novoplan 2 Plus
Novoplan 2 Plus is a high-strength, self-leveling, cement-based underlayment…
Primer L
Primer L
Primer L is a concentrated, solvent-free acrylic primer used before the…
Primer WE
Primer WE
Primer WE is a two-component, polymer-modified, water-based, epoxy primer for…
Topcem Premix
Topcem Premix
Topcem Premix is an accelerated-cure screed mortar suitable for bonded as well…
3002033 - Mapeband TPE
Mapeband TPE
Product not available for this market,
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