The Street of Dreams™ design showroom for The Villages®

Location icon The Villages, USA
Ref #: 200589


Yard design showroom
Location The Villages, USA
Subcategory Showroom
Built in 2015
Opened in 2016
Application supply of products for the realization of floors and walls
Start and finish date 2015/2016
Application Type Floor/wall covering
Installer companies Great Lakes Carpet & Tile; Fred Nickel Tile; Blackton, Inc.
Architects The Villages® Design Department
MAPEI Distributor Wheeler Division of J.J. Haines, Marjam Supply Company, Trinity Tile, Blackton Inc.
Photographer Raul Ballester
Project Manager Joe Hanson – The Villages
MAPEI Coordinator Jim Moffitt, Jon Shoemaker
Other MAPEI supplied all the setting materials used in The Villages® “Street of Dreams™” home design showrooms. MAPEI tile-setting and floor-covering products used by the flooring contractors who complete more than 100 residences a month in The Villages community were used in the showrooms.

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Products used for the project

Mapecem Quickpatch
Mapecem Quickpatch
Mapecem Quickpatch is a high-performance, fast-setting, cementitious material…
Mapeguard 2
Mapeguard 2
Mapeguard 2 is a next-generation, flexible, thin, 40-mil (1-mm) lightweight,…
MAPEI Ultralite Mortar Pro
MAPEI Ultralite Mortar Pro
MAPEI Ultralite Mortar Pro is a professional-grade, lightweight,…
Mapelastic AquaDefense
Mapelastic AquaDefense
Mapelastic AquaDefense is a premixed, advanced liquid-rubber, extremely…
Novoplan 2 Plus
Novoplan 2 Plus
Novoplan 2 Plus is a high-strength, self-leveling, cement-based underlayment…
Primer L
Primer L
Primer L is a concentrated, solvent-free acrylic primer used before the…
Reinforcing Fabric
Reinforcing Fabric
MAPEI’s Reinforcing Fabric is a strong, absorbent, flexible, alkali-resistant,…
Ultrabond ECO 185
Ultrabond ECO 185
Ultrabond ECO 185 is a latex-based adhesive that offers fast grab and quick leg…
Ultrabond ECO 995
Ultrabond ECO 995
Ultrabond ECO 995 is MAPEI’s premium, 100%-solids, one-component,…
Ultraflex LFT
Ultraflex LFT
Premium, Large-and-Heavy-Tile Mortar with Polymer Ultraflex LFT is a premium,…
Ultraflex LHT
Ultraflex LHT
Ultraflex LHT is a nonsag, large-and-heavy-tile mortar and thin-set mortar for…
100331 - MAPEI SM Primer
Product not available for this market,
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