Singhmar Centre for Learning

Location icon Edmonton, Canada
Ref #: 5


Yard Interior spiral staircase, resilient flooring and tiled walls
Location Edmonton, Canada
Subcategory School
Application A $192 million, LEED-Gold-certified project, Norquest College’s Singhmar Centre for Learning was built from the ground up using an array of MAPEI products.
Application Type New Building
Client Government of Alberta
Contractor company PCL Construction
Installer companies Elite Flooring Ltd.
MAPEI Distributor Golden / Prosol
Project Manager Xu Yao
MAPEI Coordinator Brent Johnsen
Other Architect: DIALOG

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Products used for the project

Kerabond T
Kerabond T
Kerabond T is a premium-grade, nonsag, nonslump mortar for use in thin-set and…
Kerapoxy CQ
Kerapoxy CQ
Kerapoxy CQ is a two-component, 100%-solids, epoxy grout and mortar that is…
Mapeguard 2
Mapeguard 2
Mapeguard 2 is a next-generation, flexible, thin, 40-mil (1-mm) lightweight,…
MAPEI SM Primer is a ready-to-use, fast-drying, water-based, latex primer for…
Mapelastic AquaDefense
Mapelastic AquaDefense
Mapelastic AquaDefense is a premixed, advanced liquid-rubber, extremely…
Novoplan 2 Plus
Novoplan 2 Plus
Novoplan 2 Plus is a high-strength, self-leveling, cement-based underlayment…
Planibond EBA
Planibond EBA
High-Modulus Epoxy Bonding Agent Planibond EBA is a two-component,…
Planipatch is an ultra fast-drying, self-curing, polymer-modified, cement-based…
Planipatch Plus
Planipatch Plus
Planipatch Plus is an acrylic latex additive for use specifically with…
Primer L
Primer L
Primer L is a concentrated, solvent-free acrylic primer used before the…
Ultrabond ECO 373
Ultrabond ECO 373
Ultrabond ECO 373 is a super aggressive, pressure-sensitive adhesive that is…
Ultrabond ECO 711
Ultrabond ECO 711
Ultrabond ECO 711 is a latex-based adhesive that offers a quick drying time…
Ultracolor Plus FA
Ultracolor Plus FA
Rapid-Setting, “All-in-One” Grout Replacement for Sanded and Unsanded Grouts …
Ultraflex LFT
Ultraflex LFT
Premium, Large-and-Heavy-Tile Mortar with Polymer Ultraflex LFT is a premium,…

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