Houston Galleria Mall

Location icon Houston, USA
Ref #: 200339


Yard Floor/wall coverings
Location Houston, USA
Subcategory Mall
Built in 2003
Opened in 2003
Application Installation of ceramic and natural stone tiles
Application Type Floor/wall covering
Client Houston Galleria Mall
Contractor company Sigma Marble and Granite, Inc.
Installer companies Sigma Marble and Granite, Inc.
Architects Brian De Vinick of Cooper Carry Architect
MAPEI Distributor American Marazzi Tile, Inc.
Photographer Carolyn Anne Ryan
Project Manager Carol Gregory

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Products used for the project

Keracaulk S
Keracaulk S
Keracaulk S is a premium-grade, easy-to-use, easy-to-clean, siliconized, sanded…
Premium Latex Additive for Kerabond and Kerabond T Keralastic is a…
Novoplan 2 Plus
Novoplan 2 Plus
Novoplan 2 Plus is a high-strength, self-leveling, cement-based underlayment…
Ultraflex 2
Ultraflex 2
Ultraflex 2 is a professional-grade, single-component, high-performance,…
Ultraflex RS
Ultraflex RS
Ultraflex RS is a premium-grade, single-component, high-performance,…
3000267 - Ultracontact
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