Great Wolf Lodge Water Resort

Location icon Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Ref #: 200369


Yard Great Wolf Lodge Water Resort
Location Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Subcategory Arena
Built in 2005
Opened in 2006
Application Great Wolf Lodge Water Resort
Application Type Floor/wall covering
Client Ripley's Niagara Water Park Resort, LP
Contractor company Ledcor Construction Ltd
Installer companies Classic tile
Architects Casco Services
MAPEI Distributor Dragona Carpet Supplies
Project Manager Ehab Shaheen

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Products used for the project

Keracolor U
Keracolor U
Keracolor U is a premium-grade, preblended, polymer-modified unsanded…
MAPEI Ultralite Mortar
MAPEI Ultralite Mortar
MAPEI Ultralite Mortar is a premium-grade, lightweight, single-component…
Mapelastic HPG
Mapelastic HPG
Mapelastic HPG is a ready-to-use, highly flexible, liquid acrylic waterproofing…
Planipatch is an ultra fast-drying, self-curing, polymer-modified, cement-based…
Planipatch Plus
Planipatch Plus
Planipatch Plus is an acrylic latex additive for use specifically with…
Ultrabond ECO 185
Ultrabond ECO 185
Ultrabond ECO 185 is a latex-based adhesive that offers fast grab and quick leg…
Ultraflex 2
Ultraflex 2
Ultraflex 2 is a professional-grade, single-component, high-performance,…

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