Effective date:  April 16, 2024

Last updated on: April 25, 2024


Pursuant to the Act Respecting the Protection of Personal Information in the Private Sector (the ‘‘Act’’)

MAPEI inc. (the “Corporation”, “we”, “us”, “our”) recognizes the importance of protecting your personal information. This Policy explains how we collect, use, store and communicate your personal information.

Personal information is any information about you that allows you to be directly or indirectly identified (for example, by combining it with other information).

This Policy applies to the users and customers of our website, our products and our services. It does not apply to our employees, candidates or suppliers.

By providing us with your personal information after you have been informed of this Policy, in accordance with applicable laws, you consent to the collection, use, storage and communication of such information as set out in this Policy. In certain cases, your consent may also be implicit, in accordance with your reasonable expectations.

We reserve the right to update this Policy at any time and such modifications will enter into force on the date specified in the update. Please regularly check for changes to this Policy. We will consider that you have accepted the changes to this Policy if you continue to provide personal information to us once the changes enter into force.



Who collects personal information?

Your personal information is collected by the Company on its own behalf and on behalf of its affiliates. 

Your personal information may also be collected on our behalf by third parties, for example: a technology service provider such as an ordering platform or newsletter manager; a consultant who provides part of the services offered to customers; an agency responsible for answering questions or handling customer complaints.

*Il trattamento di dati personali è qualsiasi operazione o insieme di operazioni effettuate anche in via automatizzata su dati personali, come ad esempio la raccolta, la conservazione, l'organizzazione, la consultazione, l'utilizzo, la cancellazione dei dati

**I dati personali sono le informazioni riguardanti una persona fisica identificata o identificabile in modo diretto o indiretto. Ad esempio, sono dati personali i nomi, i numeri di identificazione, i dati sulla posizione, gli elementi caratteristici



How and what personal information do we collect?

We collect personal information directly from you when you provide it to us, for example:

  • Online on our website;
  • When you create a user account on our website and provide us with personal information through your user account;
  • When you place an order;
  • In emails you send us;
  • When you call us;
  • When you chat with us.


In addition to the above, we may also collect personal information when you decide to subscribe to a newsletter, enter a contest or take part in a survey.

The information we collect includes the following personal information:

  • last name, first name, mailing address, email address, telephone numbers, your communications with us, details on your purchases and orders, tax code and professional register number.

The type of personal information we collect depends on various factors and on the context. We only collect such personal information that we consider necessary for the conduct of our business and the fulfilment of identified purposes.

We may also collect personal information from our business partners or other third parties, provided that such third parties confirm that you have authorized them to disclose such information to us or that you expressly consent to such disclosure.

We automatically collect personal information provided by analytical tools or digital markers on our website. These analytical tools only collect a limited set of data, consisting of the Internet protocol address (IP address), date and time of the visit, pages visited, actions on our website, domain used to access the website, the type and version of the browser or operating system you use, as well as the previous and subsequent website accessed. This information is collected using cookies, as described in greater detail below.

*I dati personali possono essere classificati in due insiemi: dati comuni e categorie particolari di dati personali (detti anche "dati sensibili"). Le categorie particolari di dati ricomprendono dati che rivelino l'origine razziale o etnica, le opinioni politiche, le convinzioni religiose o filosofiche, l'appartenenza sindacale, i dati genetici, i dati biometrici intesi a identificare in modo univoco una persona fisica, i dati relativi alla salute, alla vita sessuale o all'orientamento sessuale della persona. I dati comuni sono, per esclusione, tutti gli altri, ad esempio: nome e cognome, dati di contatto, indirizzo postale, coordinate bancarie, etc.



For which purposes do we collect personal information?

We collect personal information for the following purposes:

  • To create your MyMapei account;
  • To register you for and provide you with training courses
  • To provide the services or information you request;
  • To process your requests and orders;
  • To ship the products you order;
  • To manage billing and process payments;
  • To process and resolve complaints;
  • To provide personalized recommendations based on buying behaviour, if you accepted cookies;
  • To communicate with you in the course of our activities, for the purposes of internal quality assurance or to manage the quality of the information provided;
  • To detect and prevent fraud;
  • For statistical and accounting purposes (in these cases, personal information is aggregated and anonymized);
  • To inform you of news, updates, information and special offers concerning our products and services, in accordance with anti-spam legislation and with your express consent as required;
  • If we have reasonable grounds to believe that it might be useful as part of the investigation of a violation of applicable federal, provincial or foreign law or to ensure the protection or defence of a legal interest;
  • To administer your account or services, including reward programs, draws and contests;
  • As required or permitted by applicable laws.


In addition to the purposes described above, we will inform you of other purposes for which your personal information is collected when it is collected at the latest.

If we intend to use the personal information we have collected for purposes not previously communicated, we will ask for your separate consent before doing so, unless applicable laws allow us to do so without your consent.

*I dati personali possono essere raccolti solo per finalità determinate, esplicite e legittime, e successivamente trattati in modo compatibile con tali finalità.



What technology do we use to identify, locate or profile people?

We may use cookies. Cookies are fragments of information sent to your computer or mobile device when you view a website. They are saved, temporarily or permanently, on your computer’s or mobile device’s hard drive, leaving a record of your visit. Every time you go to a website, a cookie can be created and stored, which allows us to “recognize” you each time you consult the website.

Cookies that allow you to be identified, located or profiled are deactivated by default. You must first accept them. You may refuse such cookies, but if you do, some functionality will not be available.

Cookies can allow us to analyze your personal preferences, interests or your behaviour when you browse the Internet. They help us to improve your online experience by recording your navigation preferences, analyze the operation of our websites, perform statistical analysis and recommend content to you.

We currently use the following cookies: technical cookies and aggregated analytics cookies.

We will ask beforehand if you accept or refuse cookies, if such cookies allow you to be identified, located or profiled.

Many major websites use cookies. Most web browsers are set to accept cookies by default. At your preference, you may modify your browser settings to receive a notification when a cookie is received or to refuse all cookies.

While you are not required to accept cookies, it is possible that certain website functionalities may not work properly if you refuse cookies. Consult the following link for an overview of how to disable or delete cookies in current browsers:

*Il trattamento può essere effettuato solo in presenza di determinate condizioni, alternative le une con le altre, dette basi giuridiche. Esse sono, nel trattamento dei dati comuni:

  • consenso dell'interessato;
  • esecuzione di un contratto di cui l'interessato è parte o di misure precontrattuali adottate su richiesta dello stesso;
  • adempimento di un obbligo di legge;
  • salvaguardia degli interessi vitali dell'interessato o di altra persona fisica;
  • necessità per l'esecuzione di un compito di interesse pubblico;
  • legittimo interesse del titolare del trattamento.

**Quando la normativa fa riferimento all'esecuzione di un contratto o alle misure precontrattuali, il perimetro si intende esteso anche ad attività che apparentemente potrebbero non sembrare tali: ad esempio la registrazione ad un sito, l'invio di una richiesta mediante un form di contatto, l'iscrizione ad un corso formativo.



Is it possible to refuse the collection of personal information?

You can refuse to consent to the collection of your personal information. However, doing so could limit our ability to offer you services or sell you products. If you withhold such consent, we will not deny you products or services unless they cannot be provided without such collection. Thus, consenting to our use of your personal information for secondary purposes (such as marketing) is not required.

*Fino all’esaurimento dei termini di esperibilità delle azioni di impugnazione



Do we collect personal information about minors?

It is our intention to comply with all applicable laws regarding children’s privacy and advertisements that target them. We do not seek to collect personal information about minors under 14 years of age without the verified consent of the person having parental authority or a tutor. However, if you believe that we do so, please let us know. If we wish to collect personal information about minors under 14 years of age, we will obtain consent directly from a person having parental authority or a tutor, in accordance with applicable laws.

*Il consenso al trattamento dei dati personali, per essere conforme, deve essere libero, specifico, informato, inequivocabile ed espresso mediante un'azione positiva dell'interessato. L'interessato ha il diritto di revocare il proprio consenso in qualsiasi momento: accedendo all'apposita sezione del profilo MyMapei potrai scegliere di revocare il consenso al marketing oppure selezionare solo le tipologie di contenuti di tuo interesse (tra marketing generico, newsletter e rivista Realtà Mapei e/o Realtà Mapei International).



Do we take decisions based on automated processing of personal information?

It is not our intention to take decisions exclusively based on an automated processing of your personal information.

*Il responsabile del trattamento è il soggetto che tratta dati per conto del titolare. Ad esempio, nel momento in cui Mapei stipula un contratto con un fornitore, se quest'ultimo deve trattare dati personali di titolarità di Mapei per poter eseguire i propri servizi dovrà sottoscrivere anche la nomina a Responsabile del trattamento, impegnandosi a trattare i dati nel rispetto delle istruzioni ricevute



Who can access personal information inside and outside the Corporation?

Your personal information is disclosed only to our authorized employees who have a business need to access it, for example: our customer service centre, billing department and personnel responsible for providing products and services to our customers. These employees can only access the personal information they require to perform their job functions.

We will only disclose to third parties personal information about you (the type of personal information disclosed is situation-dependent) in the following situations:

  • You have authorized us to disclose the information to a third party for a specific purpose;
  • The third parties are acting on our behalf as agents or service providers (for example, information technology service providers, hosting providers, marketing solution providers, transportation and shipping providers handling products you order from us and our affiliates with whom we share services, infrastructure, systems and technology), and the information is disclosed to them only in that context, it being understood that these third parties must respect strict contractual terms that oblige them to maintain the privacy of all information, to use it only for the purposes of providing the services and to not keep the information after the expiry of the agreement;
  • If a person is acting as your representative or if we reasonably believe that the person has appropriate authorization to act (for example as tutor, holder of parental authority, etc.), or is a person who owns a service or product jointly with you;
  • To satisfy legal requirements;
  • If we are required to provide personal information in response to a legitimate court order, subpoena to submit documents or investigation by authorities or as otherwise required by applicable laws;
  • If the Corporation sells its business or assets, in whole or in part, or is involved in a merger, as required by such a transaction, or as part of due diligence;
  • As required or permitted by applicable laws.



What are the roles and responsibilities of personnel with access to personal information?

We have informed our employees of their obligation to preserve the privacy of personal information, and we continue to raise awareness about its importance. Our employees can only use personal information pursuant to the terms of this Policy and our other policies.

*Il trasferimento di dati personali verso Paesi non appartenenti allo Spazio Economico Europeo può comportare una riduzione del livello di protezione dei dati, in ragione delle previsioni normative meno vincolanti in vigore in tali Paesi. Per questa ragione, il trasferimento può essere operato solo in presenza di determinate condizioni, delineate dal GDPR



How do we safeguard personal information?

We have implemented reasonable physical, technical and administrative security measures to protect personal information from being lost or stolen, or from being accessed, disclosed, copied, used or modified without authorization. The nature of these security measures varies by the sensitivity, quantity, distribution and format of the personal information collected, as well as by the storage methods used. These measures include:

  • Physical measures, such as locks;
  • Technical measures, such as firewalls;
  • Administrative measures, such as adopting an information security policy.




Where do we store personal information and do we communicate personal information outside of Québec?

Depending on the nature of the personal information, it may be stored in our offices, as well as in the various computer systems in our offices, in our storage facilities, or in those of our service providers.

Your personal information may be communicated outside of Québec or Canada, for the purposes described above, including its collection, use, disclosure and storage.



How long we keep your personal information?

We retain the personal information we collect for as long as required for the fulfilment of identified purposes, as long as it is reasonable to do so for customer service, legal or commercial reasons. The retention period depends on the purposes and the nature of the information. On the expiry of this period, we permanently and securely destroy or anonymize the information in compliance with applicable legislation.



What are the rules for third party websites, applications and social media sites?

Our website can contain links to third party websites or applications (collectively, “Third Party Sites”). By using such links, you will leave our website. We provide these links as a convenience. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of Third Party Sites, which are not under our control. Consequently, any personal information transmitted through Third Party Sites is subject to the privacy policy of those Third Party Sites. It is your responsibility to review those policies to ensure your personal information is protected.

We may use Third Party Sites of social media sites (such as Facebook and Instagram). Our social media accounts are public and we do not operate the sites that host them. If you decide to interact with us through one of these social media sites, you must first review their privacy policy.

The personal information provided to us through social media accounts is collected to capture conversations (for instance, questions and answers, comments, “Likes,” and shared tweets) between us and you. It may be used to respond to requests, carry out analyses or create reports and for all other purposes set out in this Policy.



What are your privacy rights and how can you exercise them?

Subject to the limits and provisions of applicable laws, you have the right to:

  • Consult your personal information;
  • Rectify or update your personal information;
  • Withdraw your consent at any time (the withdrawal of consent is binding for us with regard to the personal information the use of which was based on such consent; the withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of use based on your consent before its withdrawal);
  • Request the deletion of your personal information if it is outdated or not justified for the purposes it was collected.

If you submit a request to withdraw your consent to use, communicate and store your personal information, how we handle that request will depend on the situation and reasons. Depending on the situation:

  • You may withdraw your consent, but we will no longer be able to provide you a service or product that requires such consent;
  • You may not withdraw your consent because processing your personal information is necessary or mandatory.

In either case, we may be legally required to retain certain personal information.

You may exercise the foregoing rights at any time by contacting our Privacy Officer (see below).

Any such request must contain sufficient details for us to be able to address it. We undertake to respond to any such request within a reasonable period of time, and to the extent possible, within a maximum of thirty (30) days, as set out in the applicable laws. We must, however, first verify the identity of the person making such a request.

We will ensure that your personal information is as accurate, complete and up-to-date as possible for the purposes for which it is used. However, it is your responsibility to advise us of changes to your personal information, such as your contact information.



What is our complaint process regarding the protection of personal information?

You may file a complaint with our Privacy Officer (see below) if you believe that we are not complying with our obligations to protect personal information. We will confirm receipt of your complaint, contact you for more information as needed, conduct a confidential investigation and share its conclusions with you. If your complaint is justified, we will take appropriate measures to correct the situation. If you are unsatisfied with our internal review of your complaint, you can contact the following organizations responsible for the protection of personal information: the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (federal), Québec’s Commission d’accès à l’information, the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia or the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta.



Who to contact for privacy questions and who is our Privacy Officer?

The person exercising the highest authority within the Corporation has delegated the role of Privacy Officer (also known as the person in charge of the protection of personal information) to our human resources director, who you may contact at:

Anick Paré
[email protected]
450 662-1212   
+ 1 800 426-2734
2900, avenue Francis-Hughes, Laval (Québec)  H7L 3J5

You can contact our Privacy Officer to exercise your rights, ask questions about our personal information practices or file a complaint about the protection of personal information.

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