MapeLevel EasyWDG System provides greater quality and consistency in tile finishes by reducing the effects caused by slight variations in substrates and tiles. Unlike most of the lippage-control…
MapeLevel EasyWDG System provides greater quality and consistency in tile…
MapeLevel Easy System offers combinations of caps and threaded spacers for lippage control in ceramic and stone tile installations from 1/8" to 3/4" (3 to 21 mm) in thickness. MapeLevel Easy System…
MapeLevel Easy System offers combinations of caps and threaded spacers for…
High-Performance, Self-Leveling Concrete Topping Ultratop [NA] is a self-leveling, self-curing, sealed or polished topping that is specially formulated for fast-track resurfacing of horizontal wear…
High-Performance, Self-Leveling Concrete Topping Ultratop [NA] is a…
Mapesand Fine is a calibrated, washed and oven-dried, 20/40 mesh silica sand for use as an extender for self-leveling underlayments, and to improve the bond of resin and epoxy primers with…
Mapesand Fine is a calibrated, washed and oven-dried, 20/40 mesh silica sand…
High-Performance, Polishable Concrete Topping Ultratop PC is a polishable, self-leveling, cementitious topping. Ultratop PC is engineered to provide a thin resurfacing material that is extremely…
High-Performance, Polishable Concrete Topping Ultratop PC is a polishable,…
Radiant-Heating Cable for Use with Mapeheat Membrane Mapeheat Cable is a free-form, twisted-pair, floor-heating cable for use in any residential interior room where the comfort of radiant floor…
Radiant-Heating Cable for Use with Mapeheat Membrane Mapeheat Cable is a…
Lightweight Uncoupling, Crack-Isolation and Waterproofing Membrane for Electrical Floor Heating Mapeheat Membrane is a lightweight uncoupling, crack-isolation and waterproofing membrane that also…
Lightweight Uncoupling, Crack-Isolation and Waterproofing Membrane for…
Dynamon SX is a high-performance admixture for concrete based on polycarboxylate technology, belonging to the MAPEI Dynamon system. Dynamon SX meets the requirements of ASTM C494 Types A and F and…
Dynamon SX is a high-performance admixture for concrete based on…
Mapeshield CI 300 [NA] is a liquid corrosion-inhibiting admixture based on calcium nitrite. Mapeshield CI 300 [NA] inhibits the onset of corrosion of reinforcing steel caused by chlorides typically…
Mapeshield CI 300 [NA] is a liquid corrosion-inhibiting admixture based on…
Mapefibre NS18 Polymesh [NA] is a fibrillated polypropylene fiber manufactured from 100% virgin polypropylene resins. Mapefibre NS18 Polymesh [NA] is primarily used as a plastic-shrinkage…
Mapefibre NS18 Polymesh [NA] is a fibrillated polypropylene fiber manufactured…
Ultracolor Plus Max is an ultra premium, fast-setting, polymer-modified, nonshrinking grout that offers rich and vibrant colors with maximized color depth and color consistency. This fine-aggregate…
Ultracolor Plus Max is an ultra premium, fast-setting, polymer-modified,…
Mapeband cove roll and drain flashing are flexible, rubber-coated polyester accessories for waterproofing. They are designed for fast, easy embedment with MAPEI’s Mapelastic 315 , Mapelastic HPG ,…
Mapeband cove roll and drain flashing are flexible, rubber-coated polyester…
Mapefibre ST 42 is a blend of polypropylene and polyethylene resins, configured as waved fiber. It is used for concrete reinforcement, to replace some rebar system and welded wire mesh (WWM)…
Mapefibre ST 42 is a blend of polypropylene and polyethylene resins, configured…
Ultraplan M20 Plus is a calcium-aluminate-based, quick-setting, self-leveling underlayment and topping. It is specially formulated for the resurfacing and construction of interior horizontal surfaces…
Ultraplan M20 Plus is a calcium-aluminate-based, quick-setting, self-leveling…
Mapelastic 315 is a trowel-applied, flexible, fiber-mesh-reinforced waterproofing and crack-isolation membrane for installation under ceramic tile or stone on indoor/outdoor residential, commercial…
Mapelastic 315 is a trowel-applied, flexible, fiber-mesh-reinforced…
Mapecoat Deck T is a water-based, slip-resistant coating specially designed for use on new and previously coated concrete. Mapecoat Deck T creates an attractive, durable wear surface for residential…
Mapecoat Deck T is a water-based, slip-resistant coating specially designed for…
Mapecomfort R [NA] is a high-performance, flexible, recycled rubber underlayment pad that is the principal component of the Mapecoat TNS Comfort system. In combination with Mapecoat TNS products,…
Mapecomfort R [NA] is a high-performance, flexible, recycled rubber…
Planitop 15 Rapid is a single-component, shrinkage-compensated, cementitious, fluid mortar designed for fast-track applications where high early strength and flowability are required. Planitop 15…
Planitop 15 Rapid is a single-component, shrinkage-compensated, cementitious,…
Mapefibre ST55 are macro synthetic fibers with an embossed surface to help obtain a high level of adhesion in the cement matrix, thereby increasing the ductility of concrete and shotcrete in the…
Mapefibre ST55 are macro synthetic fibers with an embossed surface to help…
MapeLevel EasyWDG System provides greater quality and consistency in tile finishes by reducing the effects caused by slight variations in substrates and tiles. Unlike most of the lippage-control…
MapeLevel EasyWDG System provides greater quality and consistency in tile…
MapeLevel Easy System offers combinations of caps and threaded spacers for lippage control in ceramic and stone tile installations from 1/8" to 3/4" (3 to 21 mm) in thickness. MapeLevel Easy System…
MapeLevel Easy System offers combinations of caps and threaded spacers for…
High-Performance, Self-Leveling Concrete Topping Ultratop [NA] is a self-leveling, self-curing, sealed or polished topping that is specially formulated for fast-track resurfacing of horizontal wear…
High-Performance, Self-Leveling Concrete Topping Ultratop [NA] is a…
Mapesand Fine is a calibrated, washed and oven-dried, 20/40 mesh silica sand for use as an extender for self-leveling underlayments, and to improve the bond of resin and epoxy primers with…
Mapesand Fine is a calibrated, washed and oven-dried, 20/40 mesh silica sand…
High-Performance, Polishable Concrete Topping Ultratop PC is a polishable, self-leveling, cementitious topping. Ultratop PC is engineered to provide a thin resurfacing material that is extremely…
High-Performance, Polishable Concrete Topping Ultratop PC is a polishable,…
Radiant-Heating Cable for Use with Mapeheat Membrane Mapeheat Cable is a free-form, twisted-pair, floor-heating cable for use in any residential interior room where the comfort of radiant floor…
Radiant-Heating Cable for Use with Mapeheat Membrane Mapeheat Cable is a…
Lightweight Uncoupling, Crack-Isolation and Waterproofing Membrane for Electrical Floor Heating Mapeheat Membrane is a lightweight uncoupling, crack-isolation and waterproofing membrane that also…
Lightweight Uncoupling, Crack-Isolation and Waterproofing Membrane for…
Dynamon SX is a high-performance admixture for concrete based on polycarboxylate technology, belonging to the MAPEI Dynamon system. Dynamon SX meets the requirements of ASTM C494 Types A and F and…
Dynamon SX is a high-performance admixture for concrete based on…
Mapeshield CI 300 [NA] is a liquid corrosion-inhibiting admixture based on calcium nitrite. Mapeshield CI 300 [NA] inhibits the onset of corrosion of reinforcing steel caused by chlorides typically…
Mapeshield CI 300 [NA] is a liquid corrosion-inhibiting admixture based on…
Mapefibre NS18 Polymesh [NA] is a fibrillated polypropylene fiber manufactured from 100% virgin polypropylene resins. Mapefibre NS18 Polymesh [NA] is primarily used as a plastic-shrinkage…
Mapefibre NS18 Polymesh [NA] is a fibrillated polypropylene fiber manufactured…
Ultracolor Plus Max is an ultra premium, fast-setting, polymer-modified, nonshrinking grout that offers rich and vibrant colors with maximized color depth and color consistency. This fine-aggregate…
Ultracolor Plus Max is an ultra premium, fast-setting, polymer-modified,…
Mapeband cove roll and drain flashing are flexible, rubber-coated polyester accessories for waterproofing. They are designed for fast, easy embedment with MAPEI’s Mapelastic 315 , Mapelastic HPG ,…
Mapeband cove roll and drain flashing are flexible, rubber-coated polyester…
Mapefibre ST 42 is a blend of polypropylene and polyethylene resins, configured as waved fiber. It is used for concrete reinforcement, to replace some rebar system and welded wire mesh (WWM)…
Mapefibre ST 42 is a blend of polypropylene and polyethylene resins, configured…
Ultraplan M20 Plus is a calcium-aluminate-based, quick-setting, self-leveling underlayment and topping. It is specially formulated for the resurfacing and construction of interior horizontal surfaces…
Ultraplan M20 Plus is a calcium-aluminate-based, quick-setting, self-leveling…
Mapelastic 315 is a trowel-applied, flexible, fiber-mesh-reinforced waterproofing and crack-isolation membrane for installation under ceramic tile or stone on indoor/outdoor residential, commercial…
Mapelastic 315 is a trowel-applied, flexible, fiber-mesh-reinforced…
Mapecoat Deck T is a water-based, slip-resistant coating specially designed for use on new and previously coated concrete. Mapecoat Deck T creates an attractive, durable wear surface for residential…
Mapecoat Deck T is a water-based, slip-resistant coating specially designed for…
Mapecomfort R [NA] is a high-performance, flexible, recycled rubber underlayment pad that is the principal component of the Mapecoat TNS Comfort system. In combination with Mapecoat TNS products,…
Mapecomfort R [NA] is a high-performance, flexible, recycled rubber…
Planitop 15 Rapid is a single-component, shrinkage-compensated, cementitious, fluid mortar designed for fast-track applications where high early strength and flowability are required. Planitop 15…
Planitop 15 Rapid is a single-component, shrinkage-compensated, cementitious,…
Mapefibre ST55 are macro synthetic fibers with an embossed surface to help obtain a high level of adhesion in the cement matrix, thereby increasing the ductility of concrete and shotcrete in the…
Mapefibre ST55 are macro synthetic fibers with an embossed surface to help…