Private residence, Fichtelgebirge

Location icon Fichtelgebirge, Germany
N° de ref.: 402024


Pátio supplying a system to waterproof substrates and apply vinyl wallpaper on walls and a system to create cementitious wall coatings
Local Fichtelgebirge, Germany
Subcategoria RESIDÊNCIA
Aplicação supplying a system to waterproof substrates and apply vinyl wallpaper on walls and a system to create cementitious wall coatings
Datas inicial e final 2020/2021
Tipo de aplicação Realiz. cobertura superficial, Revestimentos de parede
Empresa empreiteira Wandharmonie
Arquitetos Franz Ultsch
Coordenação da MAPEI Timo Griesshammer, Mapei GmbH (Germany)

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