Covent of St Francis

Location icon NICE, France
Rehabilitation of the church of St. Francis for the creation of a theatre.
N° de ref.: 6619
Categoria: ARTE/VÁRIOS


Pátio Interior of the covent
Local NICE, France
Subcategoria IGREJA
Construído em 1200
Aberto em 2021
Aplicação Rehabilitation of the church of St. Francis for the creation of a theatre.
Reinforcement of the birch arch structure of the old convent with carbon fibres in order to create structural anchors with MAPEWRAP C FIOCCO. Fluid mortar keying carried out on the upper floor of the ground floor with the use of MAPEFILL F.
Datas inicial e final 2021
Tipo de aplicação Reabilitação de muros
Proprietário City of Nice
Gerente de projetos CEB
Coordenação da MAPEI Johanna Mallet

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