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System for laying natural stones in damp environments
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Multi-layered acrylic resin-based system for professional indoor and outdoor tennis courts
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Laying of carpet inside passenger cabins
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Multi-layered flooring acrylic resin-based system with self-laying fibre-reinforced pvc mat for pro-grade indoor and outdoor tennis courts and playing surface for temporary sports events
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Removable synthetic resin indoor tennis courts: Mapecoat TNS Remove
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Double-sided adhesive tape for the installation of resilient coatings on steps and skirtings
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installation of ceramics inside SPA areas
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Complete system for the construction of elements in reinforced cement, brick walls and decorative walls
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System for high drainage bunkers and golf courses
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System for the installation of porcelain tiles in environments subject to high levels of chemical attack
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Installation of loose-lay LVT (“Luxury Vinyl Tiles”) on existing marble floor
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Decorative wall coating and laying of resin flooring with high aesthetic value for internal use
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System for waterproofing and overlaying old flooring with ceramic tiles in shower cubicles, bathrooms and changing rooms
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System for red clay tennis courts
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Multi-layered acrylic resin-based system for multi- purpose inddor and outdoor playing surfaces
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Durable system for the protection and repair of the front edges of balconies with an elastomeric coating
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Rapid system for the installation on existing ceramic flooring with protection system against seismic actions
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Glue-down LVT (“Luxury Vinyl Tiles”) installation and grouting
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Mapetherm Tile System for the installation of thin porelain tiles on thermal insulation system and installation of interlocking stone on floor
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Bridge constructed by casting piles in-situ and assembling the pre-cast structures
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Bridge constructed by casting piles in-situ and assembling the pre-cast structures
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