Chantier | Ager Medicinae |
Localisation | Solna, SUÈDE |
Sous-catégorie | HÔPITAL |
Construit en | 2013 |
Ouvert en | 2013 |
Demande | Ager Medicinae |
Date de début et de fin | 2013 |
Type de demande | Revetements mureaux |
Titulaire | Skanska |
Architectes | White Tengbom Team (WTT) |
Responsable de projet | Kristoffer Zetterstrand |
Distributeur MAPEI | Kakelspecialisten |
Crédits | Kristoffer Zetterstrand/ Stig Lodén |
Other |
Mapei has delivered the water proofing material for the work of art: “Ager Medicinae”. The artist who designed Ager Medicinae “Kristoffer Zetterstrand” received the “Stora Kakelpriset” (Large Tiles Award) in August 2013 for his work of art. The Large Tile Award is awarded by the Swedish Byggkeramik Council. The “Ager Medicinae” is a 340 sqm large tile mosaics that adorn the NKS* car park. The work consists of 27,500 tiles, measuring 10x10 cm2, and depicts the medical history in a timeline. The tile covered walls measures 4,2 meters of height and are 17 respective 64 meters long. *NKS (Nya Karolinska Sjukhuset), is a construction of a new large hospital area in Solna, Stockholm. The “Ager Medicinae” is the first of 20 artistic portrayals to be erected on NKS. This is the largest official venture on art in Sweden since 1937 when the original Karolinska Hospital was built. Art affects health and recovering. The NYS is expected to be completed in 2017. |
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