Building a Sustainable Future Together


Now you can also choose products with CO2 emissions fully offset.
Choose sustainability for all your projects, with Mapei.

CO2 emissions measured throughout the life cycle of products from the Zero line in 2025 using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology, verified and certified with EPDs, have been offset through the acquisition of certified carbon credits in support of forestry protection projects. A commitment to the planet, to people and to biodiversity. For more details on how emissions are calculated and on climate mitigation projects financed through certified carbon credits, click here.


Sustainable, CO2 offset products

The residual CO2 emissions from the products of the new Mapei ZERO line are fully offset; a commitment to quality that enables the construction and sustainable renovation of existing buildings, with an eye toward future generations, the well-being of the planet, and those who inhabit it.


How do we measure CO2?

CO2 emissions from our products are expressed in kg COeq/kg of product and are calculated using standardised LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) methodology. The analysis of the life cycle of a product is an evaluation of the environmental impacts the product has throughout all the various phases of its life, from cradle to grave: from extraction of the raw materials that make up the formula to their transport to the production plant, the production cycle, product packaging, waste materials, transporting the finished product to the distributor and its final disposal.



How do we certify the values?

The results obtained through LCA are verified and certified by an external body with an EPD, or Environmental Product Declaration. An EPD shows the environmental impact of a product during its life cycle.

How do we calculate the amount of CO2 to be offset?

Once the amount of CO2 has been calculated and expressed in kg CO2eq/kg of product, this figure is multiplied by the amount in tonnes of product sold.

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Why the initiative can be relied on:

  • Because we calculate CO2 emissions using LCA methodology with results reported and registered on a verified and certified document (EPD –Environmental Product Declaration)
  • Because credits for offsetting are certified and projects are monitored by international bodies
  • Because our R&D laboratories are constantly developing high-quality, durable products that have less impact on the environment aimed, therefore, at reducing the amount of CO2 associated to the product itself throughout its life-cycle

Discover our Zero products

Ceramics and Stone Materials

When installing ceramic tiles, choose adhesives and grouts with residual CO2 emissions entirely offset through renewable energy and reforestation projects.


Special high performance, deformable, non-slip grey adhesive with extended open time, very low emission of volatile organic compounds and…


ULTRACOLOR PLUS is a high performance, quick-setting and drying cementitious mortar for grouting joints up to 20 mm wide. The range of…


One-component, high-performance, deformable, lightweight, grey and white cementitious adhesive with no vertical slip and extended open…


When repairing, skimming and protecting concrete, choose mortars and cementitious systems with residual CO2 emissions entirely offset through renewable energy and reforestation projects.


MAPELASTIC AQUADEFENSE ZERO is a ready to use rapid-drying liquid membrane for waterproofing damp areas such as bathrooms, showers,…

Products for repair work

When repairing, skimming and protecting concrete, choose mortars and cementitious systems with residual CO2 emissions entirely offset through renewable energy and reforestation projects.


Two-component, flexible cementitious mortar for protecting large concrete structures subject to high stress


MAPEFER 1K ZERO is a one-component mortar made from cementitious binders, powdered polymers and corrosion inhibitors and is applied to…


Sustainability news 

The 2022 Mapei sustainability report opens up to the world

Real commitment to the environment, people and the planet across all five continents
November 14, 2023

The Mapei Group is publishing its first global Sustainability Report that includes all its fully consolidated subsidiaries. It provides an overview of Mapei’s activities and initiatives in all the 57 countries in which it operates. A fundamental step along a virtuous path that began back in 2016 with the publication of the first Sustainability Report, initially referring only to the Parent Company but then covering all the Italian subsidiaries over the subsequent four years. Last year, reporting was extended to cover the whole of Europe.

In every country in which Mapei operates, it is actively committed to responsible growth supported by solid economic performances that have resulted in revenue reaching 4 billion in 2022. For the Group, sustainability is a distinctive feature and added value for its corporate governance model, which manages to integrate environmental, social and economic elements in a synergic and virtuous way.

Mapei's 2022 Sustainability Report is drawn up in accordance with the latest 2021 GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Sustainability Reporting Standards and aims to study and analyse key aspects related to social, environmental and economic issues. 

Veronica Squinzi, CEO of the Mapei Group, stated that: "In 2022 we celebrated the important milestone of 85 years in business with a statement of intent: "We are building a present designed to have future" in the belief that only by working hard today can we lay the foundations to ensure a future for people and the planet. This seventh edition of the Sustainability Report reasserts our commitment to invest in growing responsibly: embracing the circular economy, paying attention to people's wellbeing and the need for social inclusion and adopting technologies that integrate and enhance human capabilities".

Marco Squinzi, CEO of the Mapei Group, noted that: "We are contributing in a real way to the fight against climate change by developing innovative solutions in every realm in which we operate. Ten years after we began offsetting the CO2 emissions of Keraflex Maxi S1 cementitious adhesive for ceramic tiles, we have decided to offset the CO2 emissions of our Ultracolor Plus grout and market the first carbon neutral system for ceramic tile installation for the entire supply chain. To help the building industry maintain high standards while reducing its climate impact, we have developed an integrated approach based on specific hardware”.

The Environment

Mapei's commitment to building a sustainable future has been rewarded by some notable commendations: it was named one of the Leaders of Sustainability 2022 by being included in the list of the 200 Italian companies most attentive to health and the environment drawn up by Statista, a leading market research company specialising in company data ranking and analysis in partnership with Il Sole 24 Ore; it was awarded a ‘Green Star for Sustainability in a study carried out by the German Institute of Quality and Finance - ITQF in conjunction with the IMWF Institute for Management and Economic Research of Hamburg and the Affari & Finanza (Business and Finance) supplement published by La Repubblica newspaper.

Tangible examples of the Group's focus on reducing its greenhouse gas emissions are the numerous energy efficiency measures adopted by its manufacturing plants in 2022. Several subsidiaries around the world (from Europe to China via the United Arab Emirates) have installed photovoltaic systems that will enable electricity to be self-generated from renewable sources, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions produced on their sites.


For Mapei, supporting culture, sport and social/solidarity initiatives means being promoters of growth and development in the areas where it operates.

A passion for sport has always been a part of the corporate philosophy of the whole Group and translates into active involvement in projects, competitions and sports clubs. Starting with its support for various football teams all over the world: in addition to Sassuolo Calcio in the Italian Serie A, Mapei Bulgaria has been sponsoring the local football team FC Dunav Ruse since 2022, while Mapei Argentina has been connected with Club Atlético Lanùs since 2020, one of the most important Argentine teams currently playing in the top division of the local league.

The focus on team sports is not confined to just football: in Canada, Mapei Inc. sponsors two youth hockey teams and Mapei Hellas in Greece supports BC Irodotos, a basketball team based in Heraklion, Crete. Support for the world of cycling also continues through the partnership with the UCI, which saw Mapei involved in the Road Cycling World Championships in Wollongong, Australia, in 2022 as the Main Sponsor. Mapei UK is also the Main Sponsor of Halesowen Cycling Club, a very famous cycling club; and Mapei Caribe (Puerto Rico) sponsored the Pan-American Union Racing Mountain Bike Team.

Mapei is getting involved in an increasing range of sports: from ocean sailing as Global Sponsor of Ambrogio Beccaria’s “Alla Grande” project, Italy’s first ocean sailing enterprise, to golf with the friendly  "Mapei Golf Day" tournament and "BMF Golf Day" charity event organised by Mapei Construction Chemicals (Dubai) in 2022, and even skiing with Mapei France's sponsorship of Club De Ski Nordique De La Feclaz.


The Mapei Group's focus on culture is something deeply rooted in the company's DNA that has resulted in numerous projects aimed at supporting art carried out by its subsidiaries all over the world.

In 2022, the Parent Company joined the "Adopt a statue" project launched by the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano, welcoming a fascinating sculpture entitled "David with a harp" to its headquarters in Viale Jenner; it also partnered the exhibition entitled "Magdalene. Il mistero e l'immagine" (Magdalene. Mystery and Image) held at the San Domenico Museums in Forlì; it continued its long-lasting partnership with La Scala Opera House in Milan and Santa Cecilia National Academy in Rome.

On a European level, Mapei Polska has sponsored FORMA since 2018, a national festival of sung poetry. Mapei Suisse is a Silver-Partner of "Space Eye", an astronomy-themed sensory experience designed by Mario Botta, a leading international architect, scheduled for completion in 2023.

Globally, Mapei Australia is a sponsor of the Queensland Performing Arts Centre, an artistic/cultural landmark for the entire South Brisbane area that hosts more than one and a half million spectators each year attending over 1,200 performances. Mapei Inc. (Canada) is one of the Major Sponsors of the "Italian Contemporary Film Festival", the largest festival of Italian films outside of Italy.


The Mapei Group has always operated in the firm belief that a company must have its own definite place in society, fulfilling certain ethical, scientific, human and cultural obligations: this approach led to various solidarity and charity projects being carried out in 2022.

Mapei’s support for the AIRC Foundation for cancer research over several years led to the creation of a three-year scholarship in 2022 named after Giorgio and Adriana Squinzi. The winner was Dr Andrea Costamagna, who is carrying out his own scientific research into pancreatic cancer. The Parent Company contributed to and promoted the fund-raising project organised by the Buzzi Foundation to build Italy's first paediatric Total Body Magnetic Resonance Imaging Centre at the Children's Hospital in Milan.

Its solidarity projects span the entire world: Mapei Srbija supports Okular, a non-profit, non-governmental organisation that carries out projects for young people; Mapei Brasil Construction Materials donated products for flooring Santa Terezinha Continuing Care Unit of Pequeno Cotolengo, a foundation that assists people with serious disabilities; Mapei Corp (USA) has been supporting the activities of the American Cancer Society, one of the most important associations engaged in the battle against cancer worldwide. The US subsidiary also took part in the Gary Sinise Foundation's 'R.I.S.E.' project, supplying building materials for the construction of six houses designed to meet the needs of seriously injured war veterans; it also supports the SWAG association that assists, educates and guides marginalised individuals and families in Riverside (California).

In Asia, Mapei Vietnam’s "Best Students Scholarship" programme awarded scholarships to five students in need of support, who achieved outstanding academic results. The Group's Chinese subsidiary carried out several projects aimed at supporting the population of Shanghai, such as donating food, masks and other basic necessities to cope with the Covid-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, Mapei South Africa collaborates with Amcare, a non-profit organisation that cares for the most vulnerable people.


One of the things the Group devotes most attention to is its support for Research taking the form of various initiatives and projects to help the scientific community and universities. In 2022, Mapei donated a total of over 210,000 euros to universities and research institutes. The numerous partnerships included: support for the University of Brescia’s research project into fibre-reinforced concrete for the MIND area of Milan; the partnership with Innovandi Global Cement and Concrete Research Network; the joint-venture between Vinavil with Polymat, a research centre founded by the Universidad del Paìs Vasco and support for the INNOVHUB - Silk Experimental Station.

news Mapei News Company culture industrial environment Mapei Sport Sport sports Sports and Culture corporate social responsibility Solidarity Research & Development research Sustainability

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