Liquid polymeric additive for Keracolor FF and GG. Applications: Fugolastic is used as a substitute for water to mix Keracolor FF and GG cementitious grouts, to improve the grout compactness,…
Liquid polymeric additive for Keracolor FF and GG. Applications: Fugolastic is…
TECHNICAL DATA: Pot life: approx. 2 hours. Waiting time before finishing: 10-20 minutes. Set to light foot traffic: 24 hours. Ready for use: 7 days. Colours: 14…
TECHNICAL DATA: Pot life: approx. 2 hours. Waiting time before finishing: 10-20…
Mapefill HES is a high early strength flowable shrinkage compensated cementitious grout. It is suitable for anchoring, grouting and concrete repair applications where a rapid initial set and fast…
Mapefill HES is a high early strength flowable shrinkage compensated…
Mapefill Deep Pour grout is a high-performance, highly fluid normal set structural grout with dual phase shrinkage compensation for repair to deteriorated concrete structures and grouting…
Mapefill Deep Pour grout is a high-performance, highly fluid normal set…
ULTRACOLOR PLUS is a high performance, quick-setting and drying cementitious mortar for grouting joints up to 20 mm wide. The range of colours of ULTRACOLOR PLUS grouts brings out the beauty of any…
ULTRACOLOR PLUS is a high performance, quick-setting and drying cementitious…