Sulphate-resistant thixotropic fibre-reinforced mortar for the repair of concrete. Use Mapegrout T60 to repair damaged concrete surfaces such as balconies and corners of columns and beams. Mapegrout…
Sulphate-resistant thixotropic fibre-reinforced mortar for the repair of…
Mapegrout Gunite AU is used for the repair of concrete, stone, and masonry structures, with mortar applied using either the dry or damp
spraying technique. Some application examples include: Repair…
Mapegrout Gunite AU is used for the repair of concrete, stone, and masonry…
Quick-setting, fibre-reinforced, compensated-shrinkage, thixotropic cementitious mortar for repairing and smoothing concrete, applied in various thicknesses from 3 to 40 mm in a single layer.