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CUBE system

Concrete is an essential material in construction. Its importance stems from its strength, durability, and versatility. Globally, concrete consumption amounts to billions of tons used every year (second only to water). Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) has a high carbon footprint associated with the use of clinker-rich cements; the use of alternative cements (with reduced clinker content) leads to a reduction in carbon footprint and therefore represents a valid alternative.

In this context, MAPEI has developed the CUBE system. An integrated approach that helps the concrete industry overcome challenges related to the use of low-clinker cements and variable-quality aggregates through various phases: production, transportation, and installation. 

The CUBE system actively assists the industry in maintaining its high standards while reducing its climate impact.



Research continues to find the best solutions to overcome every technological challenge.



Complementary on-site technical support.



A complete range of admixtures for pervious concrete, mass pours, self-compacting concrete and controlled-shrinkage concrete.

technical-documentation-wTechnical documentation


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