Ambrogio Beccaria triumphed in the historic solo regatta The Transat CIC. Starting on 28th April from Lorient in France, the ocean navigator finished the race on 10th May after 11 days and 16 hours of sailing, maintaining an average speed of 11.70 knots.

"I can't wait to see what the North Atlantic is like and to explore new routes: the idea of actually approaching the edge of the ice cap with Alla Grande-Pirelli, reaching the Newfoundland coast and then crossing the finish line in New York is a great challenge in itself". There was real excitement in Ambrogio Beccaria's voice as he prepared to tackle The Transat CIC, an Atlantic race that set sail from Lorient, France, on 28th April and will end in New York.
Amborgio Beccaria at the start of the Transat CIC in Lorient, France. © Martina Orsini

The long-awaited victory

His excitement turned out to be justified as the Milanese sailor finished the regatta in first place on 10th May after 11 days 16 hours 17 minutes and 55 seconds at sea and with an average actual speed of 11.70 knots.
“The race went just the way I dreamt it would. I really hoped it would go like this... I knew it would be full of pitfalls and I wanted to tackle it in the right spirit. I never lost my nerve, and I gave it everything I had,” so Ambrogio Beccaria commented at the finish out in the middle of the sea (and fog) about 100 miles from New York. 
Ambrogio Beccaria celebrating his victory. © Martina Orsini

The competition

Beccaria was near the front of the race from the very start and eventually took the lead halfway through the regatta and, apart from brief stretches, never lost it again. Faced with bad weather and cold temperatures typical of the North Atlantic amidst giant waves, 
40-knot winds and sailing against the currents, the Italian skipper showed great strategic acumen and Alla Grande-Pirelli, a latest-generation Class40 designed by Gianluca Guelfi, proved to be fast and performing even in these conditions.
“It was a tough race, the toughest one I have ever taken part in, but it was also probably the race I handled best. The Transat CIC was a completely new race for me: sailing out of the trade winds is actually wonderful, because the weather changes all the time,” the sailor told us.
Beccaria, whose Global Sponsor is Mapei, has already racked up numerous successes, such as victory at the Transat Jacque Vabre and the Normandy Channel Race last year, second place at the Défi Atlantique and the RORC Caribbean 600, also in 2023. In addition, in 2022 he took the place of honour at the Route du Rhum.

Science on board

Beccaria is continuing his partnership with One Ocean Foundation that is focused on protecting the marine environment and raising awareness of the major environmental challenges facing the ocean. With its unique route, The Transat CIC lends itself to a more in-depth study of meteorology and external events. With the help of the oceanographer Sandro Carniel, during the race Ambrogio discussed the main scientific and environmental issues characterising the route, such as the Gulf Stream, Atlantic depressions or melting icebergs.
Ambrogio Beccaria on board the AllaGrande Pirelli. © Martina Orsini

The Transat CIC

Heir to the legendary OSTAR and crossing three thousand miles in the North Atlantic, The Transat CIC is one of the most fascinating and challenging regattas. Three classes of boats compete in the event: IMOCAs, Class40s and Vintage Sailboats, making a total of 48 boats (and 13 Class 40 out of them). The Transat CIC has been held every four years since 1960 with the greatest ocean sailors ever racing in the event. Among the various Italians who have taken past, Giovanni Soldini has won it twice: the Open 50 category in 1996 and the Class 40 race in 2008.
Ambrogio Beccaria in New York harbour at the arrival of The Transat CIC. © Martina Orsini
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